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  1. E=MC420

    What Concert Do U Want To See......Anyone/Why/what would u trade

    I have a very long list of bands that I will never be able to see but they have all had a big effect on my music experience... Bob Marley, Led Zepellin, The doors, Grateful Dead, Stevie Ray, Eazy E, Tupac, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, to name just a few... If I had to pick only one show it would...
  2. E=MC420

    Marijuana.. Legal in Colorado.

    Happy Green Indepedence Day! Props to CO & WA for having the balls to go first. 48 states to go.
  3. E=MC420

    Denver Cannabis Cup 2014

    I just got tickets and am getting travel arrangements nailed down. How many other folks are going? I need some advice on hotels.
  4. E=MC420

    First grow. Please comment

    As tempting as it is to help these little miracles of Mother Nature along probably 90% of the time the best course of action is to leave them alone. It is crazy hard.. especially when you are just starting. After years of enjoying someone else's achievement you finally have your own garden...
  5. E=MC420

    First grow. Please comment

    Just try adjusting the position of your CFL's and see how the plant responds, that is usually and ongoing chore with cfl (I prefer using more 23w-42w bulbs than just a few of the big ones. Cheap 2' tubes work awesome for where you are now as they have a very very low heat sig. The round leaves...
  6. E=MC420

    Need reflection suggestion ASAP!! Ordering NOW!

    So you have a 100sqf room with 12 plants and 4000w's of light. Anything you pick other than a shoebox lined with tin foil would reflect good enough for the number of plants you have. I would be trying to spend as much of your allocated budget on a way to get more plants in there instead of...
  7. E=MC420

    First timer preparation.

    Aaron, There is a ton info here from people that are more educated on the subject than I am, you just have to look for it. This is always of process of reading/asking questions/ and making hands on mistakes. Most folks are stoked with just getting a finished product their very first grow...
  8. E=MC420

    HPS cooling

    It would be difficult to maintain the temp. for sure. That is alot of light for an area of that size. If you plan to keep the grow in the tent maybe look at two small smaller MH/HPS setups or go with tubes and CFL's. You would have as much or more from a watt perspective and cooling/venting...
  9. E=MC420

    First timer preparation.

    Hmmm.. $800.00 bucks would buy alot of $25.00 sticks. It is gonna be tough to do this and make it worth you time unless your parents are cool with you doing it. It can be done for sure but if you smoke on a regular basis your yield probably would last too long unless you did a SOG setup...
  10. E=MC420

    how does my plnat look?

    The round leaves will fold down and usually fall off.... in time. That little guy is small he is just trying make it. I would add a few 23w CFL's at 6500k. The bulbs would cost just a couple bucks per.
  11. E=MC420

    Does Tobacco smoke harm the plants?

    Plants can contract something called tobacco mosaic virus. All commercial or university greenhouse will have a standing policy that everyone wash their hands prior to doing any work. I was told it can be transfered from residue on your hands so I assume smoke might pose some threat but I think...
  12. E=MC420

    how does my plnat look?

    If that is your first.. Congrats on getting to that point. You always have this excited feeling when the plant starts, happens to me every time. Just make sure at that stage you have enough light and that the light is the right distance from you plant. They will stretch on you if the light...
  13. E=MC420

    how long?

    I like to let them veg until thick and healthy. Depending on your resources (lights, nuts, etc. )estimate 45 days. Good Luck to ya
  14. E=MC420

    lighting issues

    You should be fine for some christmas green. Estimate your grow cycle to be around 90 days. For cfl's you want to use 6500k bulbs for the stage your plants are in now. When you induce flower with the 12/12 light cycle you will want to change out the lights with 2700k bulbs.
  15. E=MC420

    lighting issues

    How old are your plants? If they are the veg stage the general consensus is to run the lights 18-24hrs per day. Personally I do 24, i think more because I do not feel like buying a new timer for my veg lights. If you can run the lights anywhere in that range you will be fine. For lights how...
  16. E=MC420

    help help help!!! need help!

    Ishy- In my opinion the plants will probably veg better under those fluoros. The wider color spectrum will do them good and you should see you cabinet temperature drop. On a side note, a 250 watt HPS using 120v plug should only be pulling like 2.083 amps. It should be costing all that much...
  17. E=MC420

    How to get temperature of grow room down?

    Use the frozen water bottle trick... It should knock the temp down 3-4 degrees. Its not much but every little bit helps when you are fighting a temperature issue.
  18. E=MC420

    300 watt CFL from Lowes....

    The grocery store by my house carries something comparable but it is a 45 watt (200 watt rating). The bulb I looked at had a color temp of 4100k, I would be willing to bet this is the same color temp. There is nothing wrong with that for veg purposes but you may want to add some smaller 6500k...
  19. E=MC420

    Anyone using this light or similiar?

    Interesting idea.... I am not sure where it would fit best though, Veg or flower (I am guessing flower). For that kind of coin i would go with a 600watt HID ballast that will run MH and HPS.
  20. E=MC420

    Fluorex Floodlights

    I gotta make a decision on this soon. I was planning on maybe two these lights and using my slick ass McGuyver skills to modify them into a remore ballast setup. The light claims to use 100w but product equal to 1000w light. The color temp is 6500k, I would use them to veg 5-6 plants in a...