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  1. zealious

    Strain Pick Accordingly

    sensistar would do good in that space... you cant go wrong with northern lights... ever.
  2. zealious

    Late outdoor grow, are these buds looking OK?

    looking gooooood... they will be small but you still got time i havent even put mine out yet... but i have a nice long second season.
  3. zealious

    Alaska Morbloom

    GH's new General organics fish is nice and actually does not stink too bad... But the whole line is really good..
  4. zealious

    Alaska Morbloom

    be weary if you want to use 100 percent organics and you dont want to hurt your micro life in the soil.. alaska moore bloom has salts
  5. zealious

    First Grow- Wonder Woman Nirvana

    jlooking good on yield thinkinga bout growing this plant. keep up the good work/
  6. zealious

    6hrs light,12 hours dark

    would def effect yield since photosynthesis is what will produce the buds. without light no photosynthesis.. but you might be able to grow more compact buds since temperatures would be quite low.. you might want to look into the newer auto flowering indica strains like lowryder they start...
  7. zealious

    Calculating Ventilation Needs Pls Help

    Hey, im trying to calculate the amount of extraction/intake cfm i would need in a particular grow room..! I saw a formula some where but cant find it =( Also. Does anyone know the different running temperatures in deg f of the dif sized hid light systems? is it possible to calculate what the...
  8. zealious

    fan noise soundin weird

    could be a surge on the circuit.. does it happen when ur ac kicks in?