6hrs light,12 hours dark


Well-Known Member
In Some areas plants might only get 6hrs of direct actual sunlight.Could you flower plants at 6/12 then? The dark period is most important right,would cutting the traditional light cycle 12 to 6 still result in buds of any sort?At a 7o day flowering cycle, This would shave off 42O hrs off the harvest time or 17.5 days or 2.5 weeks or 53 days flowering total! hmmm Has anyone tried this?
:confused::peace::blsmoke:Cheers Hbr


Well-Known Member
sorry i cant answer that question but will be hanging around to see what replies u get..


Well-Known Member
there are lots of threads on this shortening days to decrease flowering time. I would think you would get small nugs.


Well-Known Member
yeah itd have to be 6 on 18 off. The plants need at least 12 hours to flower, though you may go over it. Im not sure though, subscribed.


Active Member
I remember reading that a plant receiving 10/14 produces significantly less THC than 12/12. I imagine 6/18 would be a terrible lighting condition for the plant.


Active Member
stick to 12/12 man. less than 12 hours will produce smaller buds and less THC (although it may flower quicker). more than 12 will keep it in veg. stage. Many will say giving it 24 or 36 hours of darkness before you start a 12/12 schedule will reset the plant's internal clock...


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why it would matter, and still don't understand what would be going on for those other six hours... Why would you want to change the normal 18/6 - 12-12?



Active Member
would def effect yield since photosynthesis is what will produce the buds. without light no photosynthesis.. but you might be able to grow more compact buds since temperatures would be quite low..
you might want to look into the newer auto flowering indica strains like lowryder they start flowering after just a few weeks of sprouting and finish out 8-9 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Zealious has the correct answer. By cutting down on your photoperiod you will have proportionally less photosynthetic activity and less yield. Many plants can actually flower under a 6/12 light regimen since it's the darkness that defines the photoperiod (the photoperiod is controlled by a molecule called "phytochrome").

It may be possible, however, to have a flowering period longer than the traditional 12 hours of light if during the dark period the plants are bathed in far red light (720-780nm). The far red light forces the plant to "sleep" and only by experimenting can one determine how far it can be pushed. So it may be the case that a flowering 16/8 or even a 12/6 cycle is possible. The only lighting source of pure far red light that I know of are high power LEDs sold in Germany.


Well-Known Member
Interesting feedback guys! keep it commin! I will look for that article i read on 6/12 photoperiod and post more tonight! I know you can add hours to the flowercycle,but if we could subtract and get a similar yield this would be awsome,this might need to be tried.I will build a small grow tent in my flower room and do an exparment in the name of science!hbr


Well-Known Member
Less yield longer flowering. The times the lights go on/off would just change every day.. it's not impossible to run light on a schedule that doesn't add up to 24 hours lol.


Well-Known Member
12 hours dark and 6 light???? wheres the other 6 hours gotten to then???
The other hours dont go anywhere. Lets say you start the cycle at noon Monday:

Monday noon til midnight dark
Tuesday midnight til 6am light
Tuesday 6am till 6pm dark
Tuesday 6pm till midnight light
Wed. midnight till noon dark
See, the other hours dont GO anywhere. You are just not using 24 hours a day for your base.
Plants dont know, or care that we use 24 hours as our day.
As long as the growspace is light tight, it doesnt matter.

As far as how this would affect production, I cant say, but am interested in finding out.


Well-Known Member
With a 7 day timer you can get a repeatable faster schedule, but then you have to work along the same light/dark periods. IMO 12/12 is worth the extra time.