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  1. sukow360

    Plant too close to neighbors house, Need to move it, need advice

    I'm not sure what to think about my neighbors.... Ive been growing in my yard for 5 years... (hiding it from the neighbors on both sides) i'm sure they've see them before.. my dad claims that she told him we had nice plants last year... but I'm not sure what to think for sure... I still dont...
  2. sukow360

    Plant too close to neighbors house, Need to move it, need advice

    Here are the pics, the plant is waist-chest high, way bigger around than I can reach my arms, and right infront of the window :s their has been crazzy wind storms all week so I haven't had a chance to do anything yet, but I plan today or tomorrow to dig the hole and get it moved
  3. sukow360

    Plant too close to neighbors house, Need to move it, need advice

    Hey, I need to move my plant.. I cloned it in the beginning of the spring, it was the smallest little clone that refused to grow and just sat there for 2 months in the spring, when I put it in the garden it didnt do anything for another month.... It was hidden by other plants so you couldn't see...
  4. sukow360

    Spider Mites, Ladybugs, Outdoor crop help

    I have a few plants growing in my back yard currently, I'm planning to move them asap before they get too big to an outdoor location where I'll only be able to check on them every week or two, But ive noticed they are starting to get mites, I see them on all my plants (most only have a few, a...
  5. sukow360

    auroura indica, problems

    Plant prod 20-20-20 all purpose is what I've been using for the last 3 years for veg, but I've never had this problem before
  6. sukow360

    auroura indica, problems

    I'm currently growing Aurora indica, I have a mother plant and 1 clone both outdoor. I have a few spider mites which I'm treating with ladybugs. But my problem is with the clone, its been doing great for a couple weeks now, but in the last couple days the leaves are turning yellow from the...
  7. sukow360

    My first atempt at hydro? growing

    video: Its my first time growing with hydro, kind of an experiment. I used a small shelf and turned it into kind of like a mini closet, it still needs more work... I plan on working on it every night after i get home from work. my first seed sprouted in toilet paper...
  8. sukow360

    My first bubbleponics/hydroponics grow, In a 38L rubbermaid tub

    Well, I'm going to try Bubbleponics, or hydroponics. Ive been verry successful outdoors, but not so much indoors. I'm hoping this works out better for me. I'm planning on getting some Feminized Aurora Indica seeds from Nirvana. (I was going to get Full Moon, but I need something short.) so I...
  9. sukow360

    First Time Hydroponics, 3rd Time Growing Indoors.

    I'm thinking about getting a water pump, and rigging up some pvc pipe and some sprayers, I saw that in a video somewhere, but I'm not sure exactly how it works. I don't know how powerful the pump should be, I found one on ebay that pumps 200L/hour for 8.99, would that be alright for a 38L...
  10. sukow360

    First Time Hydroponics, 3rd Time Growing Indoors.

    I went to the grow store, I was in a bit of a rush because my ride was in a hurry, but I talked to the guy there and he told me what the best nutes for my setup would be. I went with a locally made 3 part one. Holland Secret's Micro, Grow, & Bloom. the micro says 5-0-2 Grow is 2-1-7 and Bloom...
  11. sukow360

    First Time Hydroponics, 3rd Time Growing Indoors.

    Ive always had good luck growing outdoors in pots or in the garden and even in the wild, but I haven't been so lucky indoors. After a couple not so good grows, Ive decided to upgrade my closet. It is 3'wide, 7'long, and only 5' high. The first grow had only a small fan for ventilation and we...
  12. sukow360

    Nirvana Short Rider Feminized Autoflower CFL Grow-Log - March-April 2011

    I'm waiting for my Short Rider seeds, I would really like to see how these plants look because this is my first auto, its too bad none of your pics work :cry:
  13. sukow360

    Someone PLease tell me that this isnt a male

    My plant has been growing really good this year, it was tied down so it isn't as tall as it would be if it was standing straight, but its still about 2 feet tall, anyways I put it into bud about a week and a half ago, and its starting to look male, :cry: someone please let me know if it is, the...
  14. sukow360

    Droopy Seedling

    well it got worse overnight, and shriveled up and is laying down, so its leaning against a toothpick now, I highly doubt its going to make it, so I'm going to try to get another seed today
  15. sukow360

    Droopy Seedling

    My new seedling of about a week and a half was fine up until I checked on it an hour ago, the leaves are hanging right down touching the dirt It was fine this morning when I looked at it I have had it on the windowsill ever since it sprouted, at first I planted it in a jiffy pot and when it...
  16. sukow360

    black mold on stem

    I noticed today that their is some black mold on the stem of my plant, its not on the branches, its on the main stem, about a 2 inch band of it about half way up the stalk. The mold wasn't their yesterday. The plant was harvested a month and a half ago so it is all stem and branches, no leaves...
  17. sukow360


    when you use the neem oil way, do you have to rinse it off? I'm about 2 weeks from harvest, so I dont want to gunk up my buds
  18. sukow360

    why doesnt my plant have many hairs?

    My plant sprouted on the 1st of July, We had it in a pot in the back yard up untill it started freezing, than we moved it inside. Its in a box with one 23 watt and two 13 watt cfl's, and a 20 watt halogen lamp. When we started flowering in september it had a few hairs, but as the buds got...
  19. sukow360

    Red bugs and leaves turning color

    we were wondering since the plant is about a foot and a half tall, if we were to put a lid over the top of the pot so the dirt doesnt fall out, turn the plant upside down and submerge it in water up to about an inch from the dirt for a minute or two and than shake all the water off, would that...
  20. sukow360

    Red bugs and leaves turning color

    Oh, yeah the buds are purple, but they haven't turned splotchy like the leaves I'll try this tomorrow, but if it doesn't work we are probably just going to pick it:cry: