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  1. T

    Soil won't drain it's like clay!

    Hey guys So I'm doing an out door grow ATM with rich premium soil. Everything is running smoothly. I have a seedling in the same stuff and it's growing good. I wanted to try some perlite in the mix so I done a 60/40 ratio of soil and perlite but I forgot to wash out the perlite. I flooded the...
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    nutrient def or ?

    Thanks for the information everyone. I'll have pictures up in a couple of days. Feeding tonight with extra nutrients hopefully everything works out.
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    nutrient def or ?

    Sweet as I'm going to feed her some food Tommoro. Ill post back up with some pictures in a couple of days. usually I mix 10ml to 5ltr but I'm going to go by 15ml to 5ltr. Guessing she wants more food now the last 3 times she got fed was with the same amount of food.
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    nutrient def or ?

    Haha for once something is going good! Also I wanted to ask if the leaf marking is anything to worry about? Thanks btw
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    nutrient def or ?

    Happy to hear from someone saying its healthy :) makes me stress less. I got some ferts from osmocote that's unopened should I put a scoop or two? I really wanted to mix perlite with the soil but I ended up not doing it. I have a little seedling that's growing. Quite good by the looks of it lol...
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    nutrient def or ?

    Hey guys, I've tried reading the sticky to diagnose plant problems and done a lot of research daily. This is my first grow from a bag seed. From what i have researched it looks like it needs nitrogen but im not 100% sure. You cant see in the photos clearly enough but the plants a really light...
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    setup help 10x4 ft

    Hey guys Im planing on doing my first grow i was wondering how much lighting i need and also what do you guys think 2-3 plants is sufficient ? Thanks Dan
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    Is it Safe to buy online in Australia ?

    great idea :) Thought i'll rather go online on ebay or some hydroponic site to get some goods instead of going to the local store. Yeah its safer to buy locally
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    Is it Safe to buy online in Australia ?

    LOL! I'm super baked Thank you for that information kind sir :)
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    Is it Safe to buy online in Australia ?

    Hey guys is it safe to buy grow equipment online :) im new to this forum. Thanks all will highly appreciate an answer :D rather be safe then sorry guys.
  11. T

    Hey all need help new to growing :)

    Awesome :) im going to transplant into a 1gallon pot in a next day or two when the soil starts looking nice and dry. What do you mean should i transplant into 1 gallon when they get 4-5 nodes or do you mean transplant out of the 1 gallon when they have 4-5nodes ? Also i have them in a sealed...
  12. T

    Hey all need help new to growing :)

    Yeah, I've ignored it my ph is currently at 6.8 - 7.0 and i have a fish tank 5ft so i have ph up ph down and all the equipment for testing so thats a + side for me. done i wont water for a few days and see how that works out. Thanks for the information i will get that spray, how big should i...
  13. T

    Hey all need help new to growing :)

    Very excited about the seedlings its amazing :) and i shell take them out of the cups later tonight i just re watered this morning, I usually let the dirt turn very dry and right after that give it a nice watering usually once every morning it drys out. Also got a small computer fan blowing...
  14. T

    Hey all need help new to growing :)

    Hey all, i'm from Australia and just recently started getting interested in growing indoors. I recently sprouted two seeds in a 8oz cup one in each. One has been sprouted for 9 days and the other 5 Do these look healthy to you and also just wondering i know i stretched one a little but its been...