nutrient def or ?


New Member
Hey guys,
I've tried reading the sticky to diagnose plant problems and done a lot of research daily.
This is my first grow from a bag seed. From what i have researched it looks like it needs nitrogen but im not 100% sure. You cant see in the photos clearly enough but the plants a really light green yellow colour.
also is everything looking good so far?
slow growth though when the weather hit 38c it had a big growth spurt :S
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
1) substrate: premium rich soil thats all i was told from my friend.
(2) nutrients: powerfeed / foliar spray by seasol
(3) additives:
(4) age: 1 - 2 months
(5) strain: unknown
(6) environment: low 15c / high 45c humidity 70 - 95%


sativa indica pits

Active Member
looks good, a little fert would help do the trick, but dont go overboard, a little bit goes a long way, nice leaf structure, even growth. Maybe try some vermiculite and perlite in your soil next time, but it looks healthy to me. is it a female?...i hope


New Member
Happy to hear from someone saying its healthy :) makes me stress less. I got some ferts from osmocote that's unopened should I put a scoop or two? I really wanted to mix perlite with the soil but I ended up not doing it. I have a little seedling that's growing. Quite good by the looks of it lol but ill mix in perlite with the soil for that one when I transplant. Should I do a 50 - 50? What do you recommended. Yes It's a female :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah that plant looks great my friend just give it a little bit of food and ittl be just fine.


New Member
Haha for once something is going good!
Also I wanted to ask if the leaf marking is anything to worry about?
Thanks btw


Well-Known Member
Its only one leaf anything coulda happened. Maybe something chowed on it for a minute and then took off, don't worry about it man your looking good.


New Member
Sweet as
I'm going to feed her some food Tommoro. Ill post back up with some pictures in a couple of days. usually I mix 10ml to 5ltr but I'm going to go by 15ml to 5ltr. Guessing she wants more food now the last 3 times she got fed was with the same amount of food.


Active Member
If 1 leaf has a brown spot or whatever, dont worry. Its when u have a bunch of leafs failing that you need to worry.

Your plant seems to be missing a little nitrogen, not enuf to be considered a deficiency, but if u dont start nutes itll just get worse as it grows.


New Member
Thanks for the information everyone. I'll have pictures up in a couple of days. Feeding tonight with extra nutrients hopefully everything works out.