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  1. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Ok so Im back again cuz I have a quick question. What is causing this spot on my leaf? I just noticed it today, it's on the top leaf set and I want to stop this before it starts to cause me any more problems. If you have any idea what this is pleas say something. If ur reading this please reply...
  2. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Haha, sorry bout the lack of updates guys. They've been doin pretty well lately but I do have a few questions. On the PSkunk I'm having trouble with almost all of the leaf tips on the upper leafs are turning yellow to brown with slight curling on the very tips and on the much newer growth the...
  3. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Ok, so I guess I've been takin longer than i planned but heres the scoop. A few days ago fed the PS a 1/4 strength of the 24-8-16 Vigoro fert and she has responded well. Her top is coming in much greener and fuller and has grown a decent bit of height, although I have her tied down. I suppose it...
  4. J

    HELP!!!!! They wake in an hour and I need to know how much to feed them!

    Hey everyone, thanks for lookin to help. This is my first grow and you would prolly know just by seein my plants. Theyre over a month into veg and far from flowering at this point. I have 1 power skunk and 1 blue cheese, both feminized, and they havent been doing as well as i would have hoped...
  5. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Alright there chief thanks for the little science lesson, I think you answered my question well enough. Now, I know I said I would have pictures up today but the pics might have to wait a little longer. However, even though I don't have pictures I am still happy to say that both plants are...
  6. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Ok, just a quick question gedda, if the temps are so cold how id the water evaporating out if the soil, im not sayin ur wrong its just something i thought of. Oh, and im going to look into one of those lights, does it help keep the temp up in the box do you know? Thanks again and new pics should...
  7. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Ok, so I'm back again and again its been a few days longer than i wanted. Yesterday i gave the BC its first nutes in a while and it was a 1/4 strength solution of the same fert i used the first time i had trouble with my plants, it might have been a bad idea but with a much weaker solution I'm...
  8. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Alright, back again and theres gonna be an update at least every 2 days from now on, I guess I haven't really been taking this too seriously and im thinking my plants are showin me that. Snoz, I remember seeing that same thing about purple/ red stems being a deficiency of some sorts but when I...
  9. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Ok, so I'm back for an update and I figure its time i get some pics up and try and figure out what this problem is. Over the last couple weeks growth has really slowed, apparently cuz i over nuted and about a week and a half ago i flushed em both and have given both 3 waterings of straight...
  10. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Ok, so I flushed a couple days ago and the soils nearly dried now. Ill prolly water tomorrow with some distilled water ive had sittin around for a couple days. This may not be a major source of concern right now but does anyone know how I might be able to get rid of the little bugs flying around...
  11. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Ok, so I'm sorry i haven't updated lately but i still really need everyones help. I would say it was about a week or two ago i started feeding them a weak solution of vigoro 24-8-16 plant food from Home Depot. I mixed up 1gal distilled water and about 1/3tsp of the ferts and fed em that for 3...
  12. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Hey everyone, sorry its has taken me so long to get an update up but ive been pretty busy lately. Anyways, I'm happy to say the girls are still alive but they definitely can use some help. almost all of the lower level leaves on the blue cheese are yellow and dying and some of the newer growth...
  13. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Ok, so i went to walmart today and to my dismay they are about all out of plant stuff for the year, so off to Home Depot I went. I got some more of the "organic" Miracle-grow soil that I've been using and some Vigoro 24-8-16 plant food. My question now is do I wait until a little after the...
  14. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Haha, not that I didnt believe ya man, I was just lookin for some other opinions as Im not able to but anything til tomorrow anyways. Ill get em the food and transplant tomorrow, itll be payday and i think im gonna need some more lights too so ill just get it all in one swift trip to wally...
  15. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Ok, so the blue cheese isnt getting any better, in fact I would say it's getting worse. Ive talked to two different people about this.One person says that its probably a nitrogen deficiency, supporting what i have read that these symptoms suggest. However, the other person who has supposedly...
  16. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Ok, so I'm back for another update and I'm sad to say it's a very important one. Over the last couple days the leaves on the BC have started to feel a little thin and papery and today i noticed a couple of the leaves starting to yellow. So, any ideas as to what this might be are greatly...
  17. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Hey everyone. Caliboy, I plan on getting them into 12inch pots, if thats gonna be big enough, and then bending them over til they reach the edge of the pot and then Im just gonna work my way around the pot til I meet where the plant first reached the edge, and then the budding will begin. If...
  18. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Hey, thanks man. I'm not sure how much you know about it but do you think its about the right time to start LSTin them. I know i still have a ways to go before they're finished but the sooner I move onto a new step, the closer it seems. Also, Caliboy, how long did you veg your blue cheese for...
  19. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Ok, sorry it's been so long for an update but here it is. Both plants are doing well and seem to be in good shape. The PS has shot up quite a bit recently and the BC is growing well also. I think it might be about the time to start LSTing them but I'm not too sure so please give me some...
  20. J

    Barneys Blue Cheese and Power Skunk. 1st cfl closet LST grow.

    Hey man, 125w should be good for what ya got. I know ur just lookin for some help but thats why they make it so easy to start ur own thread. Dont post ur own questions in other people shit. No one reply to his question please. I'm not trying to be a dick, I just don't want that shit in MY...