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  1. W

    I need a good drying method

    I cant hang dry my buds, so can i just do the brown paper bag thing. Or can i let them stay outside and dry in the shade
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    Monster bushes 08 update

    cant the people next door see your plants
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    Pics of My First Harvest...Purple Buds

    how do they get purple like that
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    Eight days into flowering... Is this a male (with pics) : (

    it looks like a bitch to me lol
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    My first grow. outside

    ok use some different type of soil dat one is to soft and it looks like it holds to much water dat can kill your plant
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    Slooowww growth

    if they are a month they are really growin slow my plants in a month and are three times the size of them.try changein the pots bigger and water
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    HELP! spit bugs invading...

    wat kind of soap
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    Homemade insecticide SCREWED my plants! HELP PLEASE!

    ok first u used to much different tings just soap will work ok.
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    brown ends on leaves

    if the leaves are soft the plants are bein over waterd a bit. but if lil holes are in them bug have bit them
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    need help yelow leaves

    yeah dats pretty normal my bottom leaves just dyed yesterday
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    help with outdoor plant!!

    so can u use any soap
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    Need Help to figure out female or male?

    female have buds your when smaller white hair
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    Topping V.S Bending (LST)

    When u guys say bend the plant do u mean has in the stem or bend down the leaf let me know