brown ends on leaves


Active Member
Hello this is my first time trying to grow and all has been good up till now. my plant is just under a month old and in the past couple days it started to get brown ends on the leaves. what could this be and what should i do to prevent it happening more?

thank you



Well-Known Member
Hello this is my first time trying to grow and all has been good up till now. my plant is just under a month old and in the past couple days it started to get brown ends on the leaves. what could this be and what should i do to prevent it happening more?

thank you
Ok listen to me bro, this is exactly what happened to me to 2 crops and I didn't know what was going on.. It is actually nitrogen deffencicy. What have you been feeding them? Its probablt too little or nothing at all. The leaves wont repare but new ones will grow and you will be looking better than ever..