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  1. N

    Dry Time

    Can anyone tell me what kind of plant it is? I got these seeds from a bud we had, so I have no idea what it could be. Thanks, Newfiegirl420
  2. N

    Dry Time

    Hey, Here are a couple of new pics. I decided to harvest one plant and see what happens. I have no idea what I'm doing, but so far, I've cut off the big leaves and have the plant hanging upside down. I was going to do that for 24 hours or so. Am I doing this right? Any help or suggestions...
  3. N

    My babies aren't babies anymore!!

    Hey, I bought a timer and set it up. I just hope I haven't screwed them up too bad. About the fertilizer, I read somewhere they could handle a lot if you increase it slowly and over a period of time. They don't seem to mind it, the leaves aren't burnt or discolored. But I will start to flush...
  4. N

    My babies aren't babies anymore!!

    Hey, Yeah I said 24/24, I thought it might be good for them?!? They are a little stretched because I was gone for a few days this summer and the lights were shut off. I have two florescent grow lights, 48" long, and two cfl lights. This is my first time growing, so I really have no idea what...
  5. N

    My babies aren't babies anymore!!

    Hey Everybody, Long time no chat.... My plants have been growing sooooo slowly, or thats how it feels anyway. I started out with 6, unfortunately, 4 were male, so I have 2 beautiful ladies growing now. I was wondering what I should be doing with them now? Is there anything special I should or...
  6. N

    My babies

    Hey, They stretched like that when I was gone, because they only had natural light. I'm sorry about the pics, shitty camera, thats about as good as I can get. But I'll start them with 18 hrs of light now. Thanks everybody, I'll take all the help I can get. Newfiegirl420
  7. N

    My babies

    Hey, Here are some pictures I took today of the plants, they seem to be doing well. I wasn't home for a few days and they were a bit dry, but they have grown. I was wondering if anyone can sex them for me yet? I think I have 2 females and a male but I've never done this before, so I really...
  8. N

    My babies

    Hi, The fertilizer I'm using was purchased at Walmart. The brand is "Plant-Prod", it is called All Purpose Fertilizer, and its 20-20-20. I dilute it so its not very strong, just a little sprinkle in a 3 litre bottle. I'm surprised I've kept them alive this long, and their actually doing...
  9. N

    My babies

    Hi, Yeah these were all grown from seed. Should I seperate them yet or are they still ok together? I'm not exactly sure how old they are, approximately 4 or 5 weeks. Is there anything else I should be doing....or not doing?:) I'll take all the help I can get. Thanks Newfiegirl420
  10. N

    My babies

    Hey Guys, Heres the new pics I said I was going to post yesterday. Some of the plants are growing a lot faster than others now. They all get the same light, water, etc. The dirt still looks dry to me, but I think their doing really good so far. Let me know what you think....
  11. N

    My babies

    Hey, I'll add some new pics later today. The are growing like crazy, and the I love it!!!
  12. N

    My babies

    Hey guys, The plants are doing great. I added the two new lights, and I gave them somemore fertilizer. The room actually smells like it now. Do they still need 24 hr lighting, or should I cut them to 18 hrs? I have cut back on the watering, but to me, the dirt looks dry. The biggest plant...
  13. N

    My babies

    Hi, Me again...I just bought two 100 watt cfls today, so I'm going to add them. I find the room is really humid though, I'm thinking I need a dehumidifier?? I'm not a green thumb by any means, but I really enjoy this so I want to do whatever I can to make it work. Thanks for all the help so...
  14. N

    My babies

    Hey, I have them in a small room right now. I also have a fan that I put on them everyday.
  15. N

    My babies

    I am using two 48", 40 watt, plant and aquarium florescent bulbs, placed two inches above the plants. The light output is 1900 lumens for each bulb. Should they be getting more than 18 hrs or less. Thanks for replying so quickly.
  16. N

    My babies

    Hey guys, I am a first time grower, only a hobbyist really...never spent hundreds of dollars to set this up or anything. I have six plants and I was wondering what I should be doing next. Right now they are getting 18 hrs of light per day, and 20-20-20 fertilizer, diluted to be very mild...
  17. N

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everyone, This is my first time attempting to grow seeds. These were given to me, I figure I should try these first before I spend money buying any. So far I have 8 that have sprouted, and this morning (day 5) two of them have their first leaves. I would love any suggestions that will...