My babies

mr west

Well-Known Member
i got stuck on u tube for like half an hour or more watching all the variations of that cowbell sketch and think the one i posted needs remixing with some beats lol


Active Member
lol the first time i saw that on the snl best of chris walken i nearly shat myself. ever since then i've been a serious cowbell enthusiast lol.


Well-Known Member
Too young to sex yet..I use 20-20-20 also....I would back off and feed once a week , you don't need more (I don't feed till 3-4 weeks old)... .. water every 3-4 days... good luck

+rep for growing
totaly agree with this.....i'm doin exacly the same shit....20-20-20 for veg, on every third watering(once a week), but i water mine every other day coz me temps are almost 30!! first feed after the end of week 3! start 1/4 strenght, then 1/2 ......and then blow their shits out :D wellcome on bord!!! CheerZ!!! CheetaH??!??! :|


Active Member
Hey guys,
The plants are doing great. I added the two new lights, and I gave them somemore fertilizer. The room actually smells like it now. Do they still need 24 hr lighting, or should I cut them to 18 hrs? I have cut back on the watering, but to me, the dirt looks dry. The biggest plant has some leaves down underneath that are losing their color. I was a little worried about that. I don't really know what I'm at, so if I get through this whole cycle I'll be happy. Thanks for all the help everyone.

Happy smokin....

mr west

Well-Known Member
and dont worrie too much bout the older leafs, that happens with age and the plant using all the energy in them.


Well-Known Member
Nice lookin grow so far! How far along are they now, got any pics?? You will be amazed when you start to flower, i started flowering mine at 12" Inches, and in 7 days it is 19" Inches! Crazy and they are not stretching either! I will keep watching this one!!! Good work So far!!


Active Member
Hey Guys,
Heres the new pics I said I was going to post yesterday. Some of the plants are growing a lot faster than others now. They all get the same light, water, etc. The dirt still looks dry to me, but I think their doing really good so far. Let me know what you think....


mr west

Well-Known Member
did u grow all of them from seed? the fastest growing plants tend to be males, just some thing to bare in mind. They all look alive and healthy for about 4 weeks old?


Active Member
Yeah these were all grown from seed. Should I seperate them yet or are they still ok together? I'm not exactly sure how old they are, approximately 4 or 5 weeks. Is there anything else I should be doing....or not doing?:) I'll take all the help I can get.

mr west

Well-Known Member
they should be fine for another couple of weeks, let them grow big b4 u flower them. The best advice anyone could give is read the grow faq and do more research.
GROWFAQ and happy growing :D


Active Member
The fertilizer I'm using was purchased at Walmart. The brand is "Plant-Prod", it is called All Purpose Fertilizer, and its 20-20-20. I dilute it so its not very strong, just a little sprinkle in a 3 litre bottle. I'm surprised I've kept them alive this long, and their actually doing good! Normally when I look at a plant it dies! Lol.

Happy Smokin

mr west

Well-Known Member
well cannabis aint called a weed for nothing, its a very resiliant plant. My nan could kill them tho bless her, when she was alive i left her in charge of my first grow wen i was 19 and she killed half with over watering them. lol