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    Could i have possibly passed pre employment drug screening?

    bump... anyone have any thoughts on it?
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    Could i have possibly passed pre employment drug screening?

    okay so I got clean for a while trying to get this better job, I stopped for about 3 months, then after I took my dot physical and gave me the drug test, I started smoking again, smoking about .5gram each day spread out, then 6 days later somehow they lost my sample and I had to go right then to...
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    DIY pvc clear plastic roofing for outdoor grow??
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    DIY pvc clear plastic roofing for outdoor grow??

    hello everyone. this will be my 3rd year growing, and I would like to prevent what has happened the first two, bud rot :(. I live in a area that gets a lot of rain and is humid so with my plants just being in nature, they got pretty wet and humid during flowering season. ive moved my site to...
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    growing in greenhouse without a power source?

    over the years I have ran in to various problems from growing outdoors, and from my research a greenhouse could help prevent most of these issues. the only thing is where I grow does not have a source of power anywhere nearby. this will be a problem with ventilation and air circulation since...
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    V shaped plant lost one of main stems, what to do??

    Hi I have a easy sativa plant that v'd off about 9 inches up main stalk. A animal must have ripped on of the splits off, its jaggedly torn off about 6 inches after the split. This must be stressing the plant, there is not mucb bud growth compared to the other e.s. right next to it with thick...
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    how long do you go with out watering outside? inground, cen vally ca

    don't know if anyone commented on this but 25 gallons a day seems like way to much. like wasted effort that's more than the plant could ever absorb. I do about 1 1/2 gallon each feedin and my plants are just as big as yours are
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    help with drip system design?

    had enough of the 5 gallon buckets being lugged thru the woods. next season I am going to make a drip system. I will have submersible pump in nearby lake transfer the water thru a hose to my 500 gal reservoir in my spot. I will fill it up 2-3 times for veg and flower and add 1/4 strength nutes...
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    do these look like any kinda magic mushroom?

    I can't control how much it rains, and the plants havr been growing great when its like this. But thank you for answering my question, no matter how patronizing me like I dont know anything about mushrooms that's nice. Good thing to cause I was just about to eat them regaurdless, what's the...
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    outdoor carolina grow op

    Had one of these on grasscity but I haven't been able to access it anymore, so this is going to start halfway into the grow. My seeds that's germinated, were 3 frisian dew, 5 thc bomb, 4 easy sativa, northern lights, amnesia mystery, black widow, and another random strain that died, and from...
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    do these look like any kinda magic mushroom?

    They are growing under all my mj plants, which the soil is topped with horse manure. I'm not looking for yes or no just what kind they might be and ill do my research from there. I'm in south carolina.
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    siphoning ALOT of water from nearby lake, ideas of how to build huge resivoir?

    around 500-1000 gallons in size is best, tired of lugging 5 gallon buckets back and forth to my spot so this is the most automated way I have came up with. I want to be able to attach a spicket somewhere on the bottom of the resivoir so I can attatch hose to it. also, it has to be something I...