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    first time grower!

    I use a 240 cfm fan for a 400 watt hps in a 30 inch by 30 by 48 grow box, pretty positive you can get away with a cheaper fan.
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    First grow, week two of flower

    On the other thread, this one needs deleting! My phone hates me. Lol
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    first indoor cfl grow from aother random noob ;) all advice appreciated

    I'm a newbie too so I can't really offer advice but I do know I started with cfls and they should be as close as possible to the plants, after only 6-8" away and you have already lost most of your lumens. Good luck on your grow! I'm on my first one too.
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    First grow, week two of flower

    Oh lordy. I apologize, my phone sucks.
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    First grow, week two of flower

    Just gave my girlies their nutes and molasses last night and snapped a quick pic of the forming buds. Wonder Woman, 400w hps in coco, they were badly starved and then over nuted lol. Just going for one ounce, plant is about 17" tall. I have three other plants too in my home made growbox. Go...
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    First grow, week two of flower

    Just gave my girlies their nutes and molasses last night and snapped a quick pic of the forming buds. Wonder Woman, 400w hps in coco, they were badly starved and then over nuted lol. Just going for one ounce, plant is about 17" tall. I have three other plants too in my home made growbox. Go...
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    The Sex Talk Thread

    I gave birth two months ago and am finally able to have sex as of last night!!! Score. What a terrible dry spell. I never quite realized what stress relief sex is. bongsmilie My husband will get sick of me soon wanting it so much, lol.
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    First REAL grow! DP Twilight and FS WWxBB - tiny cab + CFL's

    Another girlie grower! I'm on my first grow so I can't offer advice but I am also growing in a small cabinet (not as small as yours though! 30" x 30" x 40") and I read that if you use a smaller pot it helps keep the plant small (don't want to run out of space for stealth). I'm only using 1...
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    My first grow, how bad will the plant smell?

    I'm on my first grow as well and am slightly panicking because I have to keep mine from smelling for four more days until I move. Tons of people are coming to see my house to rent it and I'm in week one and a half of flower and it's getting pretty stinky. Three odor neutralizers brand new are...
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    [HELP] Newbie Indoor Stealth Grow

    The amount of water used with nutrients is based on how much water they take, not the size of the container they are in. I'm doing a coco grow in gallon containers, three of my plants want half gallon per watering and the fourth only about a quart.
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    This is a nitrogen deficiency, right?

    They aren't covered at the bottom where they drain, and I live in super dry Colorado so hopefully isn't a problem. I need to figure out how to mount the humidifer in my grow box so it doesn't take up floor space.. Without blocking light.. Hm
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    Other Side of the Fence...Where the Grass is Always Greener

    I did make the growbox, though I am in fact female :) drywall, plywood, l brackets, calk.. Very jank home made box but its functional and that's all I care about!
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    Lower temps and cannabis?

    My stems are already purple from malnutrition, poor things. Are there any other symptoms?
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    Lower temps and cannabis?

    I was wondering if there is too low of a temperature for cannabis. I've already googled and I saw that cannabis can survive even down to 40 degrees outdoors but what the second part of my question entails is indoors. Specifically, can my plants withstand 60 degrees from a usual 78-80? i figured...
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    This is a nitrogen deficiency, right?

    I'm moving up to 5 gallon buckets for my next grow (99 Silver), and I've wrapped them in trash bags for this grow. :)
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    Other Side of the Fence...Where the Grass is Always Greener

    Imcjayt I can only hope one day I come half as close to your growing skills :O I wanted to come show off my first time grow and now here I am posting it after those lovely girls of yours. I'm embarrassed :( (also why in the world does it turn my pictures sideways and how do I fix it?)
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    Girls do it better

    Hi all, I'm a new first time grower in Denver. I've been smoking for about two years and I have a small 4 plant growbox (2.5ft x 2.5 x 3.5) made out of drywall and plywood with a 400w mh/hps cooltube. Week 1 into flowering and my babies are starting to smell fabulous. :) going to get a natures...
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    This is a nitrogen deficiency, right?

    I wasn't aware, thanks!
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    What mistakes did you make on your first grow?

    Hi guys, I'm new to riu and was curious to see what everyone's 'duh' moments were with their first grow. I'm a first time indoor grower lady in the lovely state of colorado. :) My biggest most obvious mistake was pouring water with nutrients in it over the plant. I also starved them in an...
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    First time grow week 3 flower... how am i doing?

    Nice backyard ;)