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  1. juliecasea

    red cherry berry

    just took her out of the jars....go for it! She came out beautiful!!The smell is like dank bubbalicious cherry bubblegum. I got a good yield with nice big cola and nugs. She grew nice and easy no issues. Everyone is freaking out over her smell taste and buzz.I am considering making this my one...
  2. juliecasea


    Hey there i was just going to invest in the sensi nutrients and overdrive..i heard it will increase my harvest a lot. that they are some of the best nutrients to use . can you recomend any other of their products. how much do u use.thanxs for any advice
  3. juliecasea

    broken plant

    I did the same thing to my pineapple chunk...I topped and she now has 3 really good colas. Certainly not what she should be by far...but doing way better since the ya I would.goodluck with it.
  4. juliecasea

    sex of plant messing with me.

    so weird ...I hated throwing it was such a nice looking vanilla many female pistols also.
  5. juliecasea

    sex of plant messing with me.

    killed the day I saw a ball
  6. juliecasea

    sex of plant messing with me.

    and what the heck do we do with hermies..I hope killing it was the right choice.i hope it did nothing to the others but like I said nothing to concerning so far.will I get seeds in my other femms now
  7. juliecasea

    sex of plant messing with me.

    the others are looking perfect nothing like I saw on that other one.
  8. juliecasea

    Does this look like its going hermie???

    utterly beautifull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. juliecasea

    sex of plant messing with me.

    This is vanilla kush femm seed.I am messed up because I do see total areas with female parts.but I have never seen these on any others I have im pretty sure .male.or I stressed the this possibly a is in the garbage now..just want to make sure I didn't make the wrong...
  10. juliecasea

    Hermies in Action

    I just noticed that I have a plant that looks like this but the little green ball just came it was a femm all the others don't have looks like a tiny green ball above a female part.what happened do I throw this out.
  11. juliecasea

    Does this look like its going hermie???

    I will tend to a newbie. I know I stressed my one I think I see seeds.It is not because of hermie issues .it is because I moved it to water,and light leaked in 2 I wish hermie...but your right it is us....newbies.
  12. juliecasea

    how the heck do these ones work?!

    these are the ones I got the first time ... love them.these others wtf why the hell r they sold lol.
  13. juliecasea

    light question...extra light.

    actually those pics are 3weeks old now...they r now on 12/12 with 2 cool tubes 1000watt with digital ballast...and thank you.
  14. juliecasea

    light question...extra light.

    Hey all thank you in advance for any replies, it is much much appreciated. I was not happy with last yield,so changed a few things including my tent.i am now in a big tent and they r getting huge.i also put up another 1000watt hps. so I have 2 running.I am wondering if I could leave one on as...
  15. juliecasea

    how the heck do these ones work?!

    lol...I got a bigger tent.I did not think they would get this big but they r 9 days in flower and fillinhg the tent.first was a 5x5 I just purchased 8x8x6 whoa...they have lots of room now.Thanxs for the advice...I am not using these ones.,(the yo-yo)
  16. juliecasea

    how the heck do these ones work?!

    wow ... well im not gonna use these ones..the last ones I got are really good.nothing like these piece of junk.Thanx for the info.
  17. juliecasea

    how the heck do these ones work?!

    My ladies vegged really well all to well so I rushed out and got a bigger one ..holy cow is it bigger. Anyways it came with a whole different set of yo0yos that I have...they look like crap and I have no clue how to use these ones or if I even should ...heres a pic any help with instructions...
  18. juliecasea

    female showing before males ?

    it does seem to be an auto flower.wierd right>anyways just make sure no balls come and maybe put them all into flower now.
  19. juliecasea

    is this from too much heat?

    DEFINATLY nuteburn! ph your water and don't feed too much feed at 1/4 strength of your recommended dose.and you should invest in more light.
  20. juliecasea

    shiny white spots

    but if there were bugs you could use neem oil. I just seen what I thought were fruit flies but they were gnats.and before anyone says I do have a very clean grow I used tea tree oil because I wanted something worked,it would work for other pests also im sure.just add 15...