is this from too much heat?


New Member

hey I started this plan tfrom a bag seed and I think it might have too much heat from the CFL light but I am Not sure so can somebody please help me find out what this problem is with discoloration on the Leafs.


Active Member
Are you using ne nutes cause u could be using to much. Bbut if it was the lamp did the leaves start folding kind of in the begining and perking up?

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
It really looks like an over nute issue, what nutes have you been using?
Dr. Jekyll

OMG, I spit my beer out on the keyboard, that is one nasty looking plant, kill the poor bastard
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
Dude your plant looks sad you need to monitor it more and keep track of what you're doing. It looks very sad, what is the soil your using? Do you test your PH or use a water filter? How close are your lights and how powerful are they? Are you using nutes? It kinda looks like a nute burn and over watering but I'm not sure with this information.

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
We need more details....

The previous comments are extremely accurate. Most likely nute burn, or salt build ups.

Do you ph your water?


Well-Known Member
im having a similar problem right now and have been feeding light gh lucas 2.5/5 per gallon in promix. i believe it is a ph problem for mine. ordered my ph meter now too pray thats the problem mine are 4 weeks today


Gordo here, I'm a new grower. I'm using nutes every other watering. And I use half the recommended amount. My soil is a mix of composted manure, peat moss/ perlite mix, and potting soil. My lights in the flower room are three 150W mini sunburst and in the veg room a mix of cfls. I use a half gallon of water in a three gallon fabric grow pot every two or three days. Go easy on water and nutes, you can add more later. Good Luck.


Active Member
This is your first grow so dont be to upset it happens to most of us. You live n learn my friend, now next time you know what to do n not to do good luck with that plant man it mite come back with plenty love n care but it looks like it on its last breath. Do your best good luck


Well-Known Member
You're probably using too much nutes, and get better lights that's not enough light. One 23w CFL light isn't enough for that plant, you need a lot more.


View attachment 2960508

hey I started this plan tfrom a bag seed and I think it might have too much heat from the CFL light but I am Not sure so can somebody please help me find out what this problem is with discoloration on the Leafs.
DEFINATLY nuteburn! ph your water and don't feed too much feed at 1/4 strength of your recommended dose.and you should invest in more light.