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  1. Inverted

    Are male plants really worse than NOTHING?

    I just did the same a month ago, Had a 3 foot bush of a fully flowering male and made a 1/2 cup of butter from him. The entire batch of brownies was killer, ate 2 or 3 and woke up higher the next morning than the night of consumption... Don't Throw Your Males!!!
  2. Inverted

    OK I need a discussion on this.

    I live in Minnesota too, so clones are only available from very few dealers. I just like the thrill of growing it from a seed. I wish I had pictures already but seriously it looks just like a female preflower without the hair. No ball shape at all.
  3. Inverted

    OK I need a discussion on this.

    Thanks man but its got only calyx's... They are a different shape then my other 3 males I got this year, Better be a female I only have 2 plants now.
  4. Inverted

    OK I need a discussion on this.

    I have a plant that I have thought was female all along... it's about 40 days old or so and has been under 24/0 light. It has what looks like exactly like Calyx's at every node but they don't have any hairs protruding from them!?!?!?!? They are still very small preflowers but they definately...
  5. Inverted

    Cloning - Soil/rockwool ect, whats best?

    I just took my first 2 clones ever off of my only female. I cut with a blade, removed the lower fan leaves, soaked in a cup of water for 5 minutes, dipped in rooting powder, stuck it 2-3 inches down in some wet soil, packed tightly around the stem, placed a dome over each and have 2 CFL's on...
  6. Inverted

    Inverted's Redemption

    Come on somebody needs to comment on this! I want to know if I should flower it now or not, I'm looking for 1 Oz or a little more and think I can get that, its 30 days old and has preflowers showing in multiple locations. I have 175 Watt Metal Halide and (1) 40w Warm CFL and (1) 30w White CFL...
  7. Inverted

    CFL Grow (Jack the Ripper clone)

    Yeah someone posted that earlier for 12 bucks or some shit. They are getting close man, they may take a little longer under CFL's as opposed to HID. You should probably chop in a couple days...
  8. Inverted

    Inverted's Redemption

    Here they are!
  9. Inverted

    Inverted's Redemption

    Well I have had some shitty ass luck with males, 3/4 this year and I'm not too happy about that. I've got one more thats 12 days old that'll be sexed soon enough so we'll see but I have a feeling it'll be a fine lady since she's growing 3 branches PER NODE! Do you think it's about time to...
  10. Inverted

    Inverted's Redemption

    They are all just bagseeds but I don't consider using any seeds unless they came as a 1 or 2 per bag and it has to be quality bud... So they should end up being pretty stellar... They smelll extremely dank and should end up being top notch - even though they aren't a specific "Name" strain...
  11. Inverted

    Inverted's Redemption

    Nobody??? I guess people might get interested when they are flowering...
  12. Inverted

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    Sounds good bro! I'm not exactly sure how to create a link here as this is not my home forum but i'll give it a try right now for you guys! Aloha!
  13. Inverted

    My single MN lady

    Ooops here's the updated male pics...
  14. Inverted

    My single MN lady

    He's been outside for about 30 days now... I just bring him inside and out on a 12/12 cycle and has been flowering for about 27 days or something like that. He's really branchy after FIM'ing him a while back!
  15. Inverted

    Inverted's Redemption

    2 days ago... Lookin' like 2 males/2 females... Not the best but i'll take it! My large male seems to be a a hermie... Cuttin' him down for some butter today or tomorrow after collecting pollen sacks.
  16. Inverted

    Inverted's Redemption

    These are from 6 days ago! Making decent progress...
  17. Inverted

    Inverted's Redemption

    Alright well I fucked up huge and only had 1 seed to start this year and it turned male... I gained 4 more seeds since then and they are my new focus... I've got 2/3 females from the ones big enough to tell me sex, and the 4th is only a week old so obviously I have no idea what it is...
  18. Inverted

    My single MN lady

    So unfortunate... That beautiful plant turned male on me but I got 4 more going shortly after finding that out... I still have it around though and it's so bushy and beautiful I really wish it was a female!!! Oh well good traits to collect w/ his pollen!
  19. Inverted

    Finally got HID! How far away is OK?

    Yeah man, I know im not as cool as all of you guys that have money! Hah jk but seriously I'll take a free MH any day to replace the CFL's I have... I'm pretty good at doing the best with what I have and If you look at my plants I don't think you could tell it's only a 175 because I keep it 2...
  20. Inverted

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    Nice work man, I just read your whole thread, it took me about 3 hours last night and 20 minutes this morning... I made it 45 pages last night but couldn't pull it together before I crashed I guess. I too enjoy reading...even if it's just other peoples conversations. I don't even need to...