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  1. Bigdaddeh

    Advanced Nutrients PH DOWN...are there instructions for use?

    Oh... one last thing... if you are intent on using your tap water buy a KH test kit. That will help you determine the buffering capacity of the water you are using.
  2. Bigdaddeh

    Messed up on first grow

    I agree with the Canuck.
  3. Bigdaddeh

    Bubbleponics temperature question

    I'm also looking at running bubbleponics on my next run and have been doing a fair bit of research. Some quick points for you. - Be mindful that the submerged pumps will also raise the water temps. - The lower the temperature, the more dissolved oxygen the water can contain. - The higher...
  4. Bigdaddeh

    Advanced Nutrients PH DOWN...are there instructions for use?

    And I was absolutely CURSING at having to go out and buy my RO water during flushing. 5 gallons of RO water per plant, 12 plants... pain in the ASS but still well worth it imo. :)
  5. Bigdaddeh

    Advanced Nutrients PH DOWN...are there instructions for use?

    Water from city systems (tap water) typically has fairly robust ph buffering by design. Also, city tap water usually uses chloramine as opposed to chlorine as is widely thought. Chlorine will evaporate much more easily than chloramine which is exactly why they use chloramine... better...
  6. Bigdaddeh

    Fuck it im gonna get bashed anywhere so post here

    And best thing you can do for her is help her be comfortable. It's all about quality of life at this point. Take heart and make her happy! :hug:
  7. Bigdaddeh

    Fuck it im gonna get bashed anywhere so post here

    The genius is correct. Look for strains high in CBD. Someone else mentioned making treats for her too. Make budder from strains high in CBDs as they are what are being shown to help with epileptic seizures in humans.
  8. Bigdaddeh

    SH Bubbleponics Pro 2 in 4x4 space?

    Hi all. I've tried browsing around and found a few tidbits of info that make me think it will work but enough to cause concern that I'm stuffing too many into the space. I'd would like to ask you guys some questions for my specific situation. I have a 4x4 grow space (Secret Jardin DR120)...
  9. Bigdaddeh

    Curing - Cvault and Boveda packet review journal

    Subscribed. Thanks for putting up the side by side comparison.
  10. Bigdaddeh

    Yellow spots on my plants!!

    Also need to post more info such as your grow medium, etc. Are you growing in soil? Coco based? What is your soil ph at? There's lots of places here to do be able to do a bit of research bud. :) Also posting in the plant problems section would be better and pictures help out a lot. Best of...
  11. Bigdaddeh

    N toxicity close to flower

    Thanks Holylander. :-D If I wasnt so vigilant I wouldnt have caught the N toxicity so soon, before it could do some real damage. I've learned from this minor mishap and looking back there were a couple of warning signs I could have acted on sooner, including not feeding them the grow big until...
  12. Bigdaddeh

    N toxicity close to flower

    Yes, there are times when the lower leaves will get into the solution when I water, but it's not the case here. These leaves are on the lower-mid section of the plant and these developed during the time I've only been watering with straight RO, no nutes. Thanks tho. The worst is in the pics I...
  13. Bigdaddeh

    N toxicity close to flower

    Watered last night and found a few of these. There are other leaves with burnt tips but all minor. No major damage. I'll keep an eye to make sure it doesnt continue but I'm hoping this is mostly the after affects of overfeeding since I flushed the heck out of them already.
  14. Bigdaddeh

    N toxicity close to flower

    Lol yeah I'm being a bit of a nervous nellie :P Pretty much just wanting to confirm that I should extend flowering by a week or 2 to allow them to run thru the stored up extra N. And thanks for the complement on how they look. Cant wait to enjoy the fruits of my labor. bongsmilie
  15. Bigdaddeh

    N toxicity close to flower

    I should have been more clear that the pics were a little over a week after flushing. Luckily the tips didn't burn but there was some clawing of fan leaves (maybe 5 or 6 leaves per plant). There are a few that are still clawed tho. The stems were weak, which I found just how weak they were...
  16. Bigdaddeh

    N toxicity close to flower

    Hi gang. First post here and I have to say this forum has been a wealth of info for me. Thanks for being here! A bit of info first. 4x4 grow tent 250w MH supplemented with 4 T5's running horizontally around the tent. (yes, I know the hood is under powered but I'm upgrading to 600w hood...