Advanced Nutrients PH DOWN...are there instructions for use?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I have been having some PH problems in my organic soil grow. I cant seem to keep the pH below 7.5
I have used aquarium ph adjuster, ph down to 6 every watering. Also tried lemon juice. PH goes rite back up in a few hours. Steady at 7.5-8. Its killing my plants.
I bought some Advanced nutes PH down. Uses phosphoric acid. Maybe it will keep the lower pH better?
Anyways, there are no instruction for use that i can in caps per gallon or whatever. Does anyone use it?4
My tap water has a ph of 7.6 naturally. no matter what i do i cant keep the ph down in my medium.
Anyhone use PH perfect? what does it do?


Well-Known Member
The advanced down is very strong and is coming very popular in the store I work at.

the ph perfect buffers your ph for you and allows the plant to always be able to uptake nutes. I use it and it works very well for me. check out this site for additional info

heres a little info from YouTube


heres a grow with ph perfect


New Member
Tap water and ph perfect are not the best situation for you. R/O is recommended. Organic soil grow? Did you amend your soils first? You need to buy a ppm and ph meter, their cheap now. I would be using a different line. I have switched to their jungle juice 3 part line and it has been very easy to use. Your ph down is concentrated so .5mls at a time until you know how to use it...this is where the meters come in. Another thing you can do is bring your water/nutes down to 5.7-5.8, lowering your ph intake will keep your babies in the sweet spot longer before it swing out of control. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
I have a ph meter now. The soil im growing in is Premiere Pro-Mix (80%peat moss, the rest is perlite, vermiculite, micronutrients). I added about 20% extra perlite, and some fish/shell fish compost and Worm castings. Also i believe the Promix has dolomite lime in it as well.
I used to use bottled water with 0 ppm in it, but i have 6 plants and it was getting expensive. Our tap water here has alot of chlorine in it, and i cant get rain water because it doesnt really rain very often.
Some background info..i am growing 2 autos (NYC and Speedy Gonzales), a Nirvana Northern Lights, Greenhouse Big Bang, Greenhouse The Church, Royal Queens Sour Diesel, and a Seedsman White Widow.
Ive had PH problems from just after seedling. I Will upload pics of the plants later today. the BB, NL, SD, WW, and church are all the same age..wait till you see the crazy difference.
The auto's are 2-3 weeks from harvest and lookin sickly and yellow.
Anyways, i will upload some pics in a bit and try the ph down.
HOW MUCH DOES adding General Organic BioThrive Bloom fertilizer raise my ph. My water ph tester doesnt work with the discolouration of the fertilizer in the water.
Also i bought some Gen Organics CalMag yesterday too.


New Member
Water from city systems (tap water) typically has fairly robust ph buffering by design. Also, city tap water usually uses chloramine as opposed to chlorine as is widely thought. Chlorine will evaporate much more easily than chloramine which is exactly why they use chloramine... better stability. If your tap water contains chloramine as opposed to chlorine, letting your water sit (even aerated) will NOT dispurse the chloramine, leaving it in your water when you think it's gone. Back to the point of instructions for using the ph down/up stuff. Since the tap water is designed to buffer the ph, you need to use more or less depending on the starting buffer capacity of the water you are using. That's why they can't accurately say use 1 drop or 1 tsp per gallon of water and be specific. R/O water won't buffer the ph the way city water will and wont contain the chlorine or chloramine that's not so great for your plants. All that being said, IMO the cost/hassle of going out and buying R/O water is well worth it. My girls only get what I give them and not the extra stuff the city puts in there (which can fluctuate as well, ph, hardness, etc). Personally I'd go back to the RO water bud. I havent done the math, but considering buying more ph up/down as well as a ph buffer and having to use more of both may end up being the same cost as just using R/O.

edit: Oh and add to that, the reason ph is usually on the higher side tap water is because acidic water can contain more dissolved toxic heavy metals so thats why they up the ph for our drinking pleasure. You will typically find starting ph levels of tap water that are too high for our plants. Couple that with the built in buffering capacity of that higher ph water and that's where you get into headaches trying to grow at the lower ph levels we need. The buffer will slowly raise the ph over time. You get it set right where you want it, using a lot of chemicals, only to find that over the next 24-48 hours your ph spikes back up again.


New Member
And I was absolutely CURSING at having to go out and buy my RO water during flushing. 5 gallons of RO water per plant, 12 plants... pain in the ASS but still well worth it imo. :)


New Member
Oh... one last thing... if you are intent on using your tap water buy a KH test kit. That will help you determine the buffering capacity of the water you are using.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I have been having some PH problems in my organic soil grow. I cant seem to keep the pH below 7.5
I have used aquarium ph adjuster, ph down to 6 every watering. Also tried lemon juice. PH goes rite back up in a few hours. Steady at 7.5-8. Its killing my plants.
I bought some Advanced nutes PH down. Uses phosphoric acid. Maybe it will keep the lower pH better?
Anyways, there are no instruction for use that i can in caps per gallon or whatever. Does anyone use it?4
My tap water has a ph of 7.6 naturally. no matter what i do i cant keep the ph down in my medium.
Anyhone use PH perfect? what does it do?
I use the pH Perfect lineup, but not pH Down, as it hasn't been necessary to use since adding this lineup to my life.

Here are the instructions I could find for pH down for you -

Hope that helps!