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  1. E

    need some advice quick

    hijacking my thread lol thanks for the replies guys yeah hes been rotating the plants everyday
  2. E

    need some advice quick

    good to know . He is also doing SOG method with a perpetual grow. It's gonna be interesting ill upload some pictures of the room tomorrow
  3. E

    need some advice quick

    Okay so my friend has 22 plants flowering straight from clone. He has a 400w lumatek hps. I told him i don't think it will be enough light but he thinks otherwise His space is a 4'x4'3' Space. It's in his closet which is oddly shapped also so the roof slants down in the grow room. So the actual...
  4. E

    AK47 SOG 400w Digital HPS 12/12 from Clone

    Update: My "older" clones have shown some orange/redish hairs. They are looking really good. Expecting another 3-4 weeks. Ill upload pictures when i get back
  5. E

    question for experienced people

    Growing AK47. flowering from clone under a digi 400w hps. Just wondering, i havent seen any growth really in the past couple of days or so is it just going really slow until the final strech where it just explodes or does it gradually amp up to that point?? Help
  6. E

    Bottles for the herbal

    awesome thanks man
  7. E

    Bottles for the herbal

    customers thinking about giving out jars instead of zips
  8. E

    Bottles for the herbal

    its not for me its for custies hahah
  9. E

    Bottles for the herbal

    yeah i decided just to buy 150 of those spice jars with the clamps =)
  10. E

    Bottles for the herbal

    Any idea where i can get my hands on some of those orange medicine bottles to put some shtuff in??
  11. E

    AK47 SOG 400w Digital HPS 12/12 from Clone

    my space is roughly 3.5' x 3.5' x 4.5' Pretty small area if you ask me however it gets the job done. It's like looking above the tree line of a forest when i open the door its really cool... 600w is going to be very very nice. Is it digital or magnetic? If your area is small... i dont think you...
  12. E

    AK47 SOG 400w Digital HPS 12/12 from Clone

    I tried a bunch of different methods. First i tried just straight soil and that failed ... 0%. Then i tried a hydroponic cloner and i got 50% and it took about 7 days to root. Then i tried rockwool and got 100% and it took about 5-7 days. I def recommend rockwool its the easiest to manage...
  13. E

    AK47 SOG 400w Digital HPS 12/12 from Clone

    Heyo guys... long time no see. Last time i posted here I had some pics of some little seedlings, 8 to be exact. Well to bring you up to speed, those 8 turned into 2 HEALTHY AK47 mommys. At this point I have taken a combined amount of 25 clones from both mommies. After they rooted i put them...
  14. E

    water during dark??

    umm i do it with lights on bc otherwise i would disrupt their sleep causing light to get in but ur call man
  15. E

    Red/purple stems. Topping. HELP please!!

    bump it up to da top
  16. E

    mama say....

    can i chop the mainstem at the top as if i was topping and just use it as a clone? is there anything bad about using the mainstem for aclone?
  17. E

    mama say....

    Also what should i do about the mommy getting to tall? i mean u can see in the picture the AK is almost touching the light =( i didnt think they would get over 3 and a half feet tall. What should i do
  18. E

    mama say....

    yea i have initially had 8 plants going (4AK 4 White Russian) sexed them then took the best AK mom and WR mom and this is where i am now.
  19. E

    mama say....

    how are they looking (these are the mothers of future babies)
  20. E

    Future Mothers!! White Russian & AK47

    Sounds good thanks man appreciate the help