Future Mothers!! White Russian & AK47


Well-Known Member
Got to mothers that were in flowering for only 3 days when they showed hairs... They were put back into 18/6 in hopes of them becoming moms. One suffered a little nute burn and the other suffered was root bound. Originally they were under a 400w Digital Ballast Halide but i moved them under a 250w halide and i am using the 400w for flowering.

Check out the pics and tell me what you think...

How many clones can i do on a 400w sodium if I flower them once they are rooted?

The room is optimal settings (75-82 degrees Lights on :: 44%-52% Humidity) My pH rests at 6.1 in this soil grow. I am using Advanced nutrients and Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil. On another note, I recommend getting Serious Seeds. They are really really really good quality.

Tell me what you guys think. =)



Well-Known Member
choosie moms choose serious, good picks man. They look okay, just go easier on the nutes, they say its 50 watts per sq foot so thats about a 4'x4' space, you can probably put about 4 in a sq foot, so about 32 clones should do it.


Well-Known Member
Jesus i'm digging that number of clones... I think ill end up doing ~20. Thats good enough for me =) Yeah and i know i was bad with the nutes i just got antsy considering it is my first grow... She's recovered nicely though. She was pretty badly root bound though huh?


Well-Known Member
yeah, you should put them in 5 gallon pots because the roots are gonna keep growing. If you are only gonna do 20 thats cool. Try and make a small space so that you can enclose it and get some mylar or white paint so you can reflect the light so that you dont waste any of it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i have another room outfitted with black and white poly. It's all set up with a cool tube, a 400w Lumatek ballast, Can Fans, Carbon scrubbers the whole 9 yards. So i should put the mothers in 5 gallon bins? I'm just nervous because there is only 4 feet of height to work with in between my reflector and the plants so i dont want them growing to big.


Well-Known Member
what im saying is that you dont want to just put the plants under the light in a big room because you are gonna waste alot of light in a big open room, basically for 20 plants you only want 5 sq feet so a 3'x2' space to put them in. Otherwise you are gonna waste alot of light and lose some of the potential the buds have.

the mothers, all you have to do is top them and theyll stay shorter or you can just LST them.