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  1. magic alex

    Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

    ive smoked salvia about 10 times over the past 2 years. alot of people dont like it and yeah, it feels wierd but i love where it takes me. further than acid than shrooms than anything ive done (havnt done dmt so idk bout that). but my last trip i was with a few friends and we had some 40x. i...
  2. magic alex

    LSD after Shrooms

    acid just freaks me out whenever i do it now. haha, you should come where i live tho. i can drive 30 minutes from my house to a cowfield where there are always some daank ass cubensis growing. better than any labbies ive gotten.
  3. magic alex

    LSD after Shrooms

    i know what you mean about the comedown. i love the afterglow. it makes me just love life haha
  4. magic alex

    First Time Plant With Yellowing Leaves! Should I Be Concerned?

    haha alright. thanks for the advise. i didnt know how much of a difference it would make but ill sure be tryin harder to find a job now!
  5. magic alex

    combining salvia???

    it would be like smoking twice as much 30x. its all the same stuff, just in 30x the hallucinatory chemicals, salvorian a and c i believe are more concentrated.
  6. magic alex

    First Time Plant With Yellowing Leaves! Should I Be Concerned?

    its expense too. i have no job as of now so thats a problem. how much of a difference would it make?
  7. magic alex

    First Time Plant With Yellowing Leaves! Should I Be Concerned?

    metal halide. i couldn't find sodium bulbs at the stores in my town, that's what i looked for.
  8. magic alex

    24 hour light cycle and other questions

    how much more light how close? haha thats one grow light directly above it, i thought that would be enough for one plant
  9. magic alex

    indoor grow inhibiting flowering

    how tall should i try to get it for multiple ounces? can it grow too tall before flowering?
  10. magic alex

    First Time Plant With Yellowing Leaves! Should I Be Concerned?

    ok thanks. the bulb im using is from lowes, it said grow light on the box. and what temp should i aim for?
  11. magic alex

    First Time Plant With Yellowing Leaves! Should I Be Concerned?

    its around 3 weeks old, im not sure. im using miracle grow potting mix with a high nitrogen number. im watering it once a day and i had been using a product called superthrive(its got plant hormones and vitamins in it) diluted in the water everyday, but since the yellowing leaves i thought that...
  12. magic alex

    indoor grow inhibiting flowering

    would it make my buds better if i waited longer to do it? and how often can you make your plant bud? i really dont know anything about gardening
  13. magic alex

    LSD after Shrooms

    acid and shrooms are not as alike as you may think. i have done eaten alot of both and have been able to see their differences very clearly. shrooms always make me feel much more in tune with nature than acid. the visuals from shrooms are different as well, and in my opinion superior to the...
  14. magic alex

    indoor grow inhibiting flowering

    ive read to put your plant into its flowering stage you should turn your lights to 12/12. my light is on 24 hours now and my plant is about 3 weeks old and 10.7 inches tall. when is best for me to put it into flowering stage? any time?
  15. magic alex

    First Time Plant With Yellowing Leaves! Should I Be Concerned?

    its only on 3 of the fan leaves near the bottom of my plant. they started turning yellow with little brown spots. what could this be from? should i be worried? should i clip them off?
  16. magic alex

    24 hour light cycle and other questions

    thanks. i attatched some pictures. but i can make them flower at any stage? so i could have my plant budding now if i wanted if i switched the light cycle?
  17. magic alex

    24 hour light cycle and other questions

    ive had my plant for around 3 weeks, im not sure exactly, i planted a seed randomly in another flower pot outside my house and noticed it start to grow. i just translplanted it indoors where im keeping it under a grow light all day. is that ok? ive read different information and i havnt really...