combining salvia???


Well-Known Member
what if you were to get like a 10X, a 20X and a 30X and mized them up into one big pile and smoked a bowl
how do you think it would feel
or do you think it would make you trip out harder

magic alex

Active Member
it would be like smoking twice as much 30x. its all the same stuff, just in 30x the hallucinatory chemicals, salvorian a and c i believe are more concentrated.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, can mixing wine, beer, and a shot of liquor make my drunk "harder"? derrrrrrr...
Sorry, I need to smoke, bad...


Active Member
combining alcohool has nothing to do wit it
you dont smoke alcohol
shame on me for taking the time to point this out but pool i think his point was that you're consuming different concentrations of the same thing.
and however much you mix up will get you less fucked up than the equal amount of straight 30x so if you're looking to trip harder just go for the higher concentrations. there's no difference in composition between 1x and 60x...
that said the most important factor when taking salvia is holding your breath - i would use 40x and not exhale until i was completely tripping balls. it'll get you places...


Well-Known Member
shame on me for taking the time to point this out but pool i think his point was that you're consuming different concentrations of the same thing.
and however much you mix up will get you less fucked up than the equal amount of straight 30x so if you're looking to trip harder just go for the higher concentrations. there's no difference in composition between 1x and 60x...
that said the most important factor when taking salvia is holding your breath - i would use 40x and not exhale until i was completely tripping balls. it'll get you places...
yeah that makes sence
well ive only done salvia like 10 times
its fun
but i dont really like it, i woud never go buy it, its too expensive


Well-Known Member
I mixed 20x salvia with some good green i bought once and i was monged hard core for a good hour an a half. I was listening to a pendulum essential mix i have which is an hour and a half, started it as i took the hit and i only came out of the trip because it ended... Thats the only mix i suggest with salvia, what your suggesting will only result in 30x salvia...


Active Member
I see the train of thought, its like mixing different strains of weed to get all the different chemicals each one individually possesses.