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  1. B

    Root problem

    im no expert but you might have potted up too quik just a random guese i have had a realy slow growth/root problem recently and was told this was the problem i looked into repooting and pot size and problem solved
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    guru needed got pics

    what the frig is wrong with these plants im thikin nitro deficiencys a few things sorry for being brief 600w hps 20 litre lst ionic grow and rhizo both full strength rhizo any help greatly appreciated iv done alot of research about my babies but cant seem to get my head around...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    its far from basic dude if it was basic i woulda maybe fixed it by now or maybe it is basic and im just an idiot im not tryna take a shortcut by just asking you i have spent hours reserching and still cant find a solution and who is mel frankilin :/ iv got a grow bible but just keeps leading me...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    uncle ben i have seen a few of your posts all over this forum and id say you were a grow guru which is good for me as i am in need of a guru are you willing to help a very frustrated grower PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
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    two 0.6x0.6 tents

    how many would you say was over crowding i was thinkin 3 in each so veg for 6-8 while others are flowering then switch over after 8 weeks and start new cuttings for 8 weeks if you unerstand and what light would you recomend plus do you think i could lst for 8 weeks and still haveenough room when...
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    two 0.6x0.6 tents

    ok kiddy winks am thinkin of gettin two 0.6x0.6 tents instead of my big silly 1.2x1.2 (that my gf hit the roof when she seen as its in our beroom) tent i currrently do 6 at a time but what do you reckon to gettin two smaller tents and have one for veg and one for flower so to cut my grow time in...
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    realy short plant

    so you think maybe wait till she gets a foot high an then flower
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    realy short plant

    even the one thats not an auto av not started to flower it yet i was gonna wait until its about a ft high or do you think there is no point
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    realy short plant

    i had them in 1 liter pots an then transplanted them straight to 10 liter pots do you think this could be the problem i know that when it starts flowering its gonna maybe double but do you think i will get quite alot of yield cos it has a BIG chunky stalk thanks for the replies
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    realy short plant

    hello fellow growers this is my first post and would realy appreciate some help i have 2 plants one an auto flower blackjack and a bd+g13 i think. i started with 6 but only 2 survived all diff strains but got mixed up so am not sure if they are what i think they are anyway the problem they are...
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    BigBang Grow. 600W

    how long did you veg them for