realy short plant


hello fellow growers this is my first post and would realy appreciate some help i have 2 plants one an auto flower blackjack and a bd+g13 i think. i started with 6 but only 2 survived all diff strains but got mixed up so am not sure if they are what i think they are anyway the problem they are 7-8 weeks old from seed and both plants are no larger than 6 inch my aut has been flowering for about 3-4 weeks and still tiny it should be ready for harvest in about 3 weeks or so but i can tell its still a long way from harvest and my bd+g13 should be about 6 ft tall by now but its only 6 inch both plants look heallthy nice green colour no nute burn on leaves or curling they look to me like realy healthy plants i have had a few ppl look at them an they say the same look healthy but wtf 6 inch cmon maaaaan i was thinkin maybe they are dwarfs but whats the chance of 2 dwarfs


600w metal halide 18/6
ionic nutes grow bloom and pk
1.2x1.2 grow tent
10 liter pots
watering with rain water and ph is alway between 6.5-7
soil bio bizz all mix (i think)

if anyone can help it will be much appreciated as am losin my mind an keep thinking the worst

will try and post pics later


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have them in too big of pots...did you not transplant??? I start mine in solo cups till it outgrows them, then into a 1 gal pot, then a 3 gal pot, and finally into a 5 gal pot...they grow better that way..IMO..good luck and welcome to RIU


Well-Known Member
Dude no auto flower is getting 6ft lol. Most finish at 1-2 ft tops. Id say they are a bit stunted and as a result they are miniature. Dont grow auto flowers, they are finicky and once mistake and you get 4 inch plants. Just grow out a normal strain and it takes the same time and you get better yield potency and resilience.


i had them in 1 liter pots an then transplanted them straight to 10 liter pots do you think this could be the problem i know that when it starts flowering its gonna maybe double but do you think i will get quite alot of yield cos it has a BIG chunky stalk thanks for the replies


even the one thats not an auto av not started to flower it yet i was gonna wait until its about a ft high or do you think there is no point


Well-Known Member
No absolutely the more veg you can get out of her the better off you will be. The bigger she is, the bigger your bud sites will be.


New Member
I would guess you have your lights too close. Actually 600 watts in a space that size sound like the leaves don't feel like getting up in the morning so they just stay in bed. I would try raising the light for a few days.