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  1. C

    Spores in CA

    I don't know what you mean by PM. Private message? i think thats what i'm doing...anyway, i'd love to know the company, i've been searching myself without much luck. Lemme know! 1Love.
  2. C

    What are the effects of 1X Salvia?

    buy salvia extract and grow weed. or make dmt if u wanna do something different.
  3. C

    Brown turned up leaves

    I have a plant I threw on my friends balcony and the very tips of the leaves are brown, dry, and curled up. She thrived in a greenhouse before i took her out a couple weeks ago. She still looks ok, just bad on the tips of the leaves, what went wrong? too much ferts?
  4. C

    Things to Know About Lighting

    was there a male around, hotsands? if not, then its a hermie and you have a bunch of seeds to pick out, but you can still smoke the shit. ps; stealing from construction sites is awesome...its working at em that sucks
  5. C

    Cocaine and me.

    coke can be fun, but its not that fun...and its way expensive. I haven't bought it in a while...but i'll always take a line! just listen to your body, and do whatever you want.
  6. C

    Interested in Magic Mushrooms

    leave the mushroom hunting to the pros, you can literally die eating the wrong mushrooms. When the time is right, someone will have a fat bag and dump some in your mouth (for a small fee). As for other drugs...i say go out and do em. Get ur dick wet, homie! Its true that you'll never be an...
  7. C

    I need advice from experienced LSD users. :)

    take both hits, pussy! you won't even trip on one and you'll prolly wanna take three next time. I'm pretty sure the people who jump off building thinking they can fly take like 10 two will be good. I took one my first time, and was like, "wtf, i thought this was a gnarly drug..." so i...
  8. C

    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    Let me make sure we're on the same page here, gilfman. You're telling me you've only smoked pot once in you life? It must have been quite the experience to inspire you to grow. Other than that, i commend you for growing while living at your parents'll always look back on this time...
  9. C

    How to make your plant turn purple?

    it matters only if ur an inexperienced smoker who overvalues the color purple. I believe a specific micronute deficiency will make ur shit turn purple.. not sure what tho. Unless you plan on selling ur bud to high school kids, you should keep it green and impart no unecessary stress. the nails...
  10. C

    tall girls, late in season, afraid of not finishing

    seven feet and just budding? gnarly! I think you'll do very well, just chop whatever gets moldy.
  11. C

    Weed In The Wild..."pics"

    this is perhaps my favorite post. I love how you throw so many seeds out in the same area that one of them took off...hilarious. I don't really understand why you don't want to fertilize though...i can understand going organic...but nothing? u may as well fert while watering, but I'm interested...
  12. C

    First Ever Grow -Organic CA Organic-

    they'll still go over if u top em. tying em is ur best bet. i wouldn't tell the neighbors, they might jack ur harvest.
  13. C

    First Indoor Hydro DWC. Six foot sativa! What do you think?

    Try to grow some short bushy plants. Indicas for sure. Ur puny 150 watt lamp can't penetrate deep...i'd try to keep the plants around 1' and have a few more of them. THat way u'll get the most out of your light...but you may wanna consider at least a 400 watt....150 is kinda a joke...