Spores in CA


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

So after months of searching i finally found "someone" (or some company) that will ship to CA. If you are interested in growing shrooms and your a CA resident please let me know via PM (don't want to advertise who is doing this). I would be happy to refer you to this wonderful opportunity. I just placed my order today, so i will report back on the final outcome.


Well-Known Member
Sorry never reported back, The spores came in record time, 4 days after i paid them. This was on Memorial weekend as well. So I would highly recommend them. As always PM me and I'll let the cat out of the bag.


Active Member
I don't know what you mean by PM. Private message? i think thats what i'm doing...anyway, i'd love to know the company, i've been searching myself without much luck. Lemme know! 1Love.


Well-Known Member
how do you Pm on this forum io am new and cant figure it out can some one help
i am really interested in getting some spores


Well-Known Member
just look online and ask the differnt sites yiu never kno their might be one that is willing..

also it wont allow me to send ya pm's...


Well-Known Member
Spores in cali. whoa you must have high faith. I am glad that you received your swimming friends in a suspended solution. But the typical rule is illegal and the authorities are well aware! I wouldn't repeat these orders!