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  1. J

    Best Way to Use Trim

    Hey guys, Just got a good amount of quality trim and need to know how to medicate the locally produced honey, organic coconut oil, and vegetable glycerin tincture that I bought as well. What amount of trim should I use per amount of each? For example, if I 2 o's of trim, then mixed in with how...
  2. J

    50 Days, No Buds, Do I Force Flowering???

    What light schedule is it on currently? Everyone gave you good advice about the hours ( should 18 + 6 or 20+ 4) and, whatever you do, do not put too much faith in the advertising. To me, its not just false advertising its just an outright lie most of the time, and can mess the grower up if...
  3. J

    Very Low Humidity Issues! Please help!

    Awesome thanks guys! The towel thing is genius, and I have left cups/buckets of water out and splashed water on floor and it has helped but only somewhat. @jointed... I don't know if you read my whole post carefully, I mentioned that I had bought a humidifier. The type you are describing is...
  4. J

    How Much THC is in a Female, Non-Flowering Plant?

    Great thanks guys I really appreciate it! Combined, all of you answered all my questions! :) Basically what I am hearing is if I want to make BHO, ISO, or RSO I will have to wait at least a few days/weeks into flowering. Otherwise, I should just juice the trim I get before flower. This is...
  5. J

    How Much THC is in a Female, Non-Flowering Plant?

    Hey guys! :hug: Couldn't really find a place to put this as it is more of an extraction question, though I guess it could be considered General Marijuana Growing... I am curious as to how much THC is in a female, non-flowering cannabis plant? Obviously, we all know that the potency of any...
  6. J

    Very Low Humidity Issues! Please help!

    Hey guys, This seems like a fairly easy to solve problem but it is proving very difficult. I cannot seem to be able to get the humidity high enough in my veg or seedling rooms. Seedling's I am using a humidity dome under a 200 watt CFL in a high tech grow tent... in the veg room I have 2...
  7. J

    Any Veterans get cards in CT?

    go to the clinic in w. hartford and tell them your symptoms and send your medical history records to them before in... $200-250 later you should have your card :)
  8. J

    C.T. MMP Help

    As a CT patient you are able to get meds in R.I. from a dispensary?
  9. J

    Blasting BHO into a NoGoo Silicone "Pyrex" Dish

    I do not understand... Are you saying to not ever use silicone containers even for storage? As in, what everybody uses and has been the easiest, most economical container I have ever used for storage? I really do not have any care to go into the technical logistics of the negative health...
  10. J

    Other states that honor CTs MMP card

    I heard on the news NJ allows for "reciprocity" regarding mmj. This means that any patients visiting from out of state can buy from any dispensary in NJ. This is not the same with NJ patients and other states, like CT (which does not have dispensaries, yet) or Maine (which will turn down...
  11. J

    Blasting BHO into a NoGoo Silicone "Pyrex" Dish

    Hey guys, I just grabbed myself a small 7 gram tube, some 14x vector butane, and have been blasting into a pyrex dish that is floating in a hot water bath. This has been working out pretty well and I am happy with the results, but my question is can I replace the pyrex dish with a NoGoo...
  12. J

    Best Purple Strain to Grow

    Hey, I am new to the site so, "Hello!" kiss-ass :wall: Lol.. Anyways, I am wondering what the BEST (meaning easiest for a beginner to terms of no pests, high yield type of thing) Purple strain to grow indoors using 400w HPS and a good grow area. Plan on growing 6 plants as a...