Very Low Humidity Issues! Please help!

Hey guys,

This seems like a fairly easy to solve problem but it is proving very difficult. I cannot seem to be able to get the humidity high enough in my veg or seedling rooms. Seedling's I am using a humidity dome under a 200 watt CFL in a high tech grow tent... in the veg room I have 2 LEDS (one 240 watt Red spectrum and one 240 watt Blue Spectrum) + one oscillating set on the lowest setting.

I added a humidifier to the veg tent and still the humidity will drop to 30-40% unless I am on it perfectly, refilling the small (I think it is ~1 gallon) tank on time and hand spraying the fuck out of it and then I can get it to 60-70% that my plants LOVE. I am living in new england, and no grower I know is encountering the same issues as myself. In fact, they will say that they use a DE-humidifier, if anything. Still, I have done my research and can see a huge difference when my plants are in that humid, jungle-like atmosphere. When I hit that ~70-75 degree and 60-70% mark you can almost smell it.

At least in vegging, my plants love me so much more when I get that humidity perfect so any help will be much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
If you can, get a house humidifier. They usually stand about 2' tall and 2-3' wide and 1' deep. They normally hold about 2-3 gallons of water and you can dial up the humidity to whatever you want. I don't know about where you live, but they are easily obtainable in the US...I wish you luck in your search....J


Man, I wish I had these issues. I'm in late flowering and I'm struggling to get below about 45% RH. Hang a wet towel (like stated above) or even an open container of water... small bucket if you have room.

For what it's worth, in my humidor (cigars) I keep an open mason jar of distiller water and it holds humidity pretty high quite nicely. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i put a couple sponges behind the fan insde the tent and put a tray of water out near the exhaust.. gets the humidity about 15-20% higher you keep the tray full of water and resoak the sponges daily
Awesome thanks guys!

The towel thing is genius, and I have left cups/buckets of water out and splashed water on
floor and it has helped but only somewhat.

@jointed... I don't know if you read my whole post carefully, I mentioned that I had bought
a humidifier. The type you are describing is virtually the same as the ones I have now. Also,
underneath my username, it says I live in New England, which is in the United States.


Well-Known Member
OOOOP's haha my bad bro...maybe it was the weed..haha. If it only has a one gallon capacity then it's not what I'm talking about. I'll try and find a pic to show ya what I mean