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  1. N

    2x90w LED UFO 24 plant SOG closet

    I like the way you clipped the bottom of them... looks clean. everything looks pretty healthy. keep up with the solid work.
  2. N

    Drip system time length?

    I came on RIU today looking for the answer to this question... I have 18 plants in a recirculating hydro system and i was running the pump all day until i started getting mass amounts of fungis gnats. I started only watering during the day and they still were growing in numbers... so i bombed...
  3. N

    Larger diameter PVC tubes better?

    You dont know what your talking about. A true aeroponic system would spray the roots with an oxygen rich "mist". As per 99% of aero systems, this is not the case. Rather, a fine nozzled sprayer is most often used. In this case, the spray is not overly O2 rich, and thus requires a stoppage of the...
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    Introducing the CC Hydro-Organic Small Water Culture System

    A wick system would eliminate the HYDRO in hydro-organic. This is a really interesting topic and i'm glad i'm on board from the begining to see how this one plays out. My question is how are you going to stop the roots from outgrowing that lower container? And also, i must have missed it, but...
  5. N

    Larger diameter PVC tubes better?

    Thanks for the tip on the backup... When i started my grow, i read a lot about your setup, and one thing i made sure to apply to my setup was the 1 on / 4 off schedule for my aero misters. I was given a bit of flack in another thread by some users who thought i should be running them 24/7, but...
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    This is retarded, when your growing small plants, you dont give them any vegetative growth other than to establish roots from clone or from seed. If i were you i would grow about 4 plants from seed, sprouting them and then putting them into the pc box. As soon as they have established roots put...
  7. N

    pulled over with equipment

    Are you from Cali? Because this is nowhere near true.
  8. N

    Larger diameter PVC tubes better?

    You dont have any trouble with roots clogging the pipe? I have 6in pvc and my roots fill up the pipe 4 weeks in, making it like a 30%DWC setup.
  9. N

    Why are they growing so fast?

    Thanks Al, What brand is the original "cooltube" made by? Or will any old generic remake work?
  10. N

    Big Bud/White Rhino Grow - Aeroponics Grow

    Love to grow man. Keep up the good work.
  11. N

    Purple Leaves??? day 56 flower-pics!!! please help!!!

    I still dont understand what you need suggestions on, your plant looks amazing, really it does! From the looks of it, your ready to harvest, double check the trichs for sure. Your plant turning purple is not a problem, it is something many strive for and do not achieve. Harvest those bitches and...
  12. N

    Why are they growing so fast?

    You cant really see it in the pic, but it actually has two 4in holes in the hood, one on either side for exhuast and intake. I have three 600w hps lights interconnected by ducting, with a 4 inch fan in between each hood, and a 540cfm fan exhausting the entire chain. The intake is passive in that...
  13. N

    Why are they growing so fast?

    Is there any functional difference between "Cooltubes" and say a ValueBright hood/reflector? I air cool my lights just as you have in the diagram, but am wondering if there are better cooling methods out there.
  14. N

    Why are they growing so fast?

    Water Cooled Lights? That sounds interesting. Can you give me more info on what type of light and sleeves those are and where exactly you purchased them from. Do you think water cooling the lights would work better than an air cooled light system. I have 3 600watt hps' that are all cooled by 4...
  15. N

    Why are they growing so fast?

    How long did you veg?
  16. N

    ready for harvest? AK47 PICS

    I agree, that plant has atleast a week left. Cutting down your plant too early is a problem that i'd say a majority of growers make, simply because their stoners and want to smoke(myself included). I made this very mistake my first grow. If you can stand a week, you should wait, the...
  17. N

    how to neutralize a drug dog

    at this point, i think its a load of crap, in more ways than one.....
  18. N

    First hydro grow w/ pics: NL

    It looks to me like it just trying to put out so much damn growth it cant get its shit straight. Your plants dont really have a lot of internodal spacing, if this continues through flowering your finished product is going to be nice dense nugs. When are you going to start flowing?
  19. N

    how to neutralize a drug dog

    Do you even understand the point i was making?... It has nothing to do with whether i would put my freedom on it. It does however have to do with the waste of time posting things like "that doesnt work" without explaining what led to this conclusion. get it?
  20. N

    10/14 lighting in the last 3 weeks.

    See, were on a similar page, I saw a video of some guy at "THC labs" talking about uping the light cycle to 14hours of light in the last week or so. I have always heard rumors that you could run a cycle such as 12on/18off/12on in the last few weeks of flowering. It seems logical to me because...