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  1. N

    Measuring & Delivering Nutes Tip: No pouring. No spills. No mess. No drips.

    First time grower. I kind of stumbled upon a very nice way to measure and deliver nutes to DWC buckets. I use Dutch Master A & B nutes. At Walmart I found 'Flavor Injectors' that are graduated by ml. ( Now I just pull the...
  2. N

    Overcrowding in my tent

    7 plants each in own 5 gal DWC bucket all in a 4' x 4' SunHut. Plants are about 6 weeks old. Plants are about 18" tall. Plants are very 'wide' or bushy. They are overlapping each other now. 2 of the 7 are smaller overall. One of the two is going to be covered up by the plants on either side...
  3. N

    Leaves spotting, plant drooping. First time grower 3 weeks old

    This is getting worse not better. More leaves on more plants showing spotting, turning yellowish brown, and dying. PH levels still low about 5.3 still adding PH up 2x a day. Temps have been more consistent 72-75 Does anyone have any suggestions at all ?
  4. N

    Nute burnig. Scared to feed my plants.

    TBS is tablespoon. TSP would be teaspoon.
  5. N

    Leaves spotting, plant drooping. First time grower 3 weeks old

    Here are the pics that didn't get attached the first time
  6. N

    How to Start a Thread and Post Pictures

    I haven't read all 21 pages of this thread so forgive me if this has already been mentioned. When using a cell phone to take pictures, it is probably in your best interest to make sure to turn off location settings for your camera app on your phone. Otherwise people can view the metadata of...
  7. N

    Leaves spotting, plant drooping. First time grower 3 weeks old

    Background info: First time grower with help from someone who has grow a few crops. (7) plants of unknown strain(s) started from seed. (7) 5 gallon DWC 18/6 light cycle 4 x 4 SunHut Tent 600 HPS Magnum XXXL Hood (2) 6" Vortex CFM452 One mounted outside the tent and pulls air outside the tent...