Leaves spotting, plant drooping. First time grower 3 weeks old


New Member
Background info:

First time grower with help from someone who has grow a few crops.
(7) plants of unknown strain(s) started from seed.
(7) 5 gallon DWC
18/6 light cycle
4 x 4 SunHut Tent
600 HPS
Magnum XXXL Hood

(2) 6" Vortex CFM452
One mounted outside the tent and pulls air outside the tent inside the bedroom through the Magnum XXXL
One mounted inside then tent exhausting the air inside the tent outward
Exhausted air from both fans "Y" joined and then to outside the house

(2) 6" 250CFM inline fans from home depot
Each pushing air into the tent from the A/C vent

Plants went into buckets July 4th. I'm not sure if this equates to 3 weeks old or if I should measure from the time they took to germinate and sprout.

1. Main problem is yellow spotting on older leaves which expanded until the leave went all yellow and appears dead. It hasn't fallen of yet. Other leaves showing the same spotting.

From what I've read (https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/697519-leaves-turning-yellow-brown-why.html) this could be either a nutrient deficinacy with mostly likely nutrient (N) or a light/heat issue. We are using Dutch Master A & B nutrients. We started out at 1/2 strength according to the instructions. PPM has remained pretty constant. PH levels were at first in the 6.0 range. I added PH down to get them to 5.5. After the frist few days the PH went back up, so I added PH down every other day for the first few week trying to keep them at 5.5. Then the PH started dropping on its own and went down to 4.8. I've been adding PH up twice a day trying to get them back up to 5.5.
My temps range 72-80. When my AC runs, the temp in the tents drops down to about 72. Once the AC stops the temps rise and reach about 78. Only a couple of times has it reached 80 and not for very long.

2. Other problem or perceived problem is dropping plants. The smaller plants seem to show it more. All the leaves / branches droop almost all the time. They resemble a pine tree that is covered in snow so much that it has weighted down all of its branches. Since this is my first grow, I'm not sure if this is actually a problem.

Pics attached if I did it correctly


New Member
This is getting worse not better. More leaves on more plants showing spotting, turning yellowish brown, and dying.

PH levels still low about 5.3 still adding PH up 2x a day.
Temps have been more consistent 72-75

Does anyone have any suggestions at all ?

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
after looking again i would almost bet for sure it is a cal-mag Defic. i would try and post in problems forum or indoor as newb area won't get u as much help that ur looking for probably


Well-Known Member
Hey NewGoose, IMO I think the folks have it with cal/mag, but I think your getting lock out due to your ph levels. In soil cal/mag starts getting locked out bad below 5.5ph. If your using an electronic ph pen, change the batteries. Took my abit to figure out it was the batteries throwing my ph every where.