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  1. S

    long drying

    as long as they dont freeze you should be alright. if they do freeze before they are completely dry they will mold.
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    long drying

    I've never heard of anyone doing this. I imagine it would still be smokable. I bet it would make for some good joint weed. Is the closet sealed and whats the temp like in there?
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    Put them in a bowl of water and keep it in a warm spot, they wont drown. In fact, I believe the good seeds will float and when they germinate they will sink.BTW-I have experimented with some bag seed and I've seen a tap root grow an inch long in a bowl of water. When the seed has germinated, put...
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    Newbie question on seedling and light

    put it under the floro asap! It will stretch and fall over if you keep it where its at. You can put the light close as a half inch from the top with fans. As a rule I don't go over 2 inches from the plant, seems to keep the nodes tighter together this way. Dont try this with any other light tho...
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    yellowing leaves, please help!pics inside..

    Thank you. It does get hot! Peaks at 100 plus degrees a day. I have my timer set to turn the light off at noon, or it would be a lot worse. She is around 7-8 weeks, I might check the trichs and harvest her sunday. I think I might saw it off at the base and stick it in some fresh water for a few...
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    yellowing leaves, please help!pics inside..

    Im on it! Thanx the chronic 1!
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    plants need saving!!

    used on animals eh? you are growing weed dude! go to your local hardware store and buy some floros. use it for at least a month before moving them under serious light and dont give them ferts for at least 3 weeks. oh yea, and if you have to stake your plants your, that means you dont have enough...
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    This a problem or am I just being too anal about my plant's health.. (pics inside!)

    Marical grow is your problem. stick with the organic stuff, its harder to fuck up. I would suggest fox farms big grow for veg and tiger bloom for flower. You could also toss in some alaska fish ferts and liquid karma, oh yeah! They like that stuff!
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    yellowing leaves, please help!pics inside..

    shedding shade leaves?....normal? SWEET! Would it be beneficial to help the plant with this process or should I let it shed naturally? Thanx 4 the input, Snak
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    yellowing leaves, please help!pics inside..

    This only my 3rd grow. I dont know much about ferts or reading my plant, but as you can see my it is turning yellow. I'm guessing its a lack of nitrogen, but im not sure. I feed it tiger bloom once a week and give it about a half gallon of water every day along with a good misting(which also has...