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  1. M

    No more direct sunlight :( please advise

    Hi, I have 2 plants growing outdoor since april. one is ice cool which has about 50% brown hairs (I think about 2 weeks from harvest) , the other is a huge sweet thai which has about 10% brown hairs (about 3-4 weeks from harvest). I haven't looked at the trics yet since it's too early for...
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    Ready or not? here I cut? harvest time, pics included

    OK I took some pics before I put her in a closet. here they are... Del Boy, Twistedfunk was saying what you said I just wanted to make sure he thinks it's ready for harvest. Anyway, thanks for the tips. Any comments on the pictures by anyone would be appreciated. cheers, happy times...
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    Ready or not? here I cut? harvest time, pics included

    Thanks for the info growerboy. I'll take pics tomorrow before I'll put her in some dark room (as advised) :) Twistedfunk - by saying growerboy is the only one who posted accurate info here, this means you think the others were wrong? by that, I'm asking if you think it's too eraly for me to...
  4. M

    Ready or not? here I cut? harvest time, pics included

    thanks for the tips. Iv'e been flushing for a couple of weeks now (maybe started too soon...). 48hrs of darkness before harvest? never heard of that, what is it good for?
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    Ready or not? here I cut? harvest time, pics included

    Hello boys and girls. Wanted to get your take on my girl - do you think it's harvest time? I'm almost certain it's a cream caramel, been growing outdoor since april. I live in a rather hot place so no winter here yet. trics look on most of the buds 50% amber 40% clowdy 10% clear/ some buds...
  6. M

    Time to harvest? and is my female turning into shemale??? pics attached

    thanks durbin, just wanted to make sure those were indeed pollen sacks that grew on my girl. I will take it down ASAP so it won't harm the other girls, only thing I didn't flush it that bad harvesting without flushing it few times with pure water? also, do I need to cut the pollen sacks...
  7. M

    Time to harvest? and is my female turning into shemale??? pics attached

    Thanks 4 trying to help but I still can't figure out if it's hermie or not...if yes I woulld harvest it immidiatley so it won't fertilize the other females I have nearby.
  8. M

    Time to harvest? and is my female turning into shemale??? pics attached

    Hi, I have a plant growing outdoor which I planted few months ago (don't exactly remember...) and I don't know if it's time to harvest her or not. most of the hairs are still white, only around %15 turned brown. but when I look with a micro at the trichomes almost all of them are cloudy, some...