Time to harvest? and is my female turning into shemale??? pics attached


Active Member

I have a plant growing outdoor which I planted few months ago (don't exactly remember...) and I don't know if it's time to harvest her or not. most of the hairs are still white, only around %15 turned brown. but when I look with a micro at the trichomes almost all of them are cloudy, some even turned amber (hard to tell it keeps moving....) and few still clear so I'm confused if its time to harvest or not yet. Also, in the past 2 weeks she started growing what looks to me like male flowers (!). Are they really male flowers? is my female going shemale? if yes, I assume I should harvest it no matter if it's ready or not so it wouldn't harm my other young females. pics attached, last 3 you can see the possible male flowers. Thanks for any help! :)



Well-Known Member
Looks good... if you click my signature "trichomes" you'll get what you need...
luck & enjoy...


Active Member
Thanks 4 trying to help but I still can't figure out if it's hermie or not...if yes I woulld harvest it immidiatley so it won't fertilize the other females I have nearby.


Well-Known Member
I delt with hermies from cloning experiments in which I took a wonderful plants and turned their clones into hermies(not on purpose, just seeing what happens). I let the mother flower and then a few weeks into flowering I cut the clones. the clones went back to vegin and like week 6 or 7 of flowering they all poped pollen sacks. My pollen sacks look just like what you have going on. two choices that I see; let it go cuz there is not enought time to produce seeds b4 the buds are ready, or remove them premie because of the younger plants that might become pollinated and go to seed. I would pull cuz of the wee ones. just my insight tho. good luck and happy smokin


Well-Known Member
from the top left of your pics, 5 6 and 7 show pollen sacks almost ready to open and spread the love. sorry bro it sucks I know.


Active Member
thanks durbin, just wanted to make sure those were indeed pollen sacks that grew on my girl. I will take it down ASAP so it won't harm the other girls, only thing I didn't flush it....is it that bad harvesting without flushing it few times with pure water? also, do I need to cut the pollen sacks or just dry them with the rest of the flower?
on the bright side, I just nuked a bud from it in the micro to check it...not bad, not bad at all :)
go hermie go


Well-Known Member
no time to flush, which is usually a week to two process. flushing is to give you a cleaner more nautral smoke, no nute taste and less harsh. clip what you can while trimming and the rest will fall out during the drying and curing process (atleast that has been my experience). pollen will shed, so make sure to dry and cure where pollenation is not a concern, such as a fan blowing pollen into your grow area.