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  1. Detroitlion2912

    Opinions so far

    47 days in on The Casserole grow and was wondering what you guys think of the girls so far!?!? Any feedback is more than welcome :)
  2. Detroitlion2912


    Hell yeah. I have a fan outside the tent blowing in as I leave the flap open almost all the time to deal with the temp in that back room!
  3. Detroitlion2912


    3 Not fox tailing at all man ✊
  4. Detroitlion2912


    Thinking of moving these girls into a room and out of the tent so they can breath a little more. Should I or should I say fuck it and finish them out in here? Also these girls are some 41 day old autos from Chef Anna With The Pot genetics ✊✊
  5. Detroitlion2912

    1st time grower do they look good?

    That's all that matters man! Keep learning and taking noted for tje next one homie!! Ive been on an autoflower kick and would recommend trying some of those at some point!
  6. Detroitlion2912

    1st time grower do they look good?

    Not the worst ive seen. Pretty leggy and thin. What kinda light you using?soil?nutes? Give us your set up run down homie!!
  7. Detroitlion2912

    Day 33

    yeah They just started within the last 24-36 hours so oh well, and you are correct sir, theyre autos
  8. Detroitlion2912

    Day 33

    Day 33 for the girls and I think we're looking pretty good over here! i wish I knew what strains they are but oh well! Its been a blast so far, i can't wait to see what they will look like here in a couple weeks when its on to the bloom stage :) what do y'all think? Should I defoliate and keep...
  9. Detroitlion2912

    Help please?!?!

    That was a guess of mine so ive held odf on nutes the last 3 rimes ive watered her
  10. Detroitlion2912

    Help please?!?!

    Alright guys any help would be much appreciated. Were looking good for the most part but have a couple problem spots. Does anyone know what the yellowing of the tips like that means? Also the little rust colored/looking spots any thoughts? Ive been trying to diagnos these ladies and havent...
  11. Detroitlion2912

    Chef Anna White Label week 2

    Did you top or anything with these?
  12. Detroitlion2912

    Enough light?

    Need something bigger if you want to grow good quality bud.
  13. Detroitlion2912

    How we looking?Day 17

    Im moving an ac into the room like you have as we speak ha, also what are your thoughts on scrogging? Im thinking of trying ot with these along with the low stress training. What are your thkughts man?
  14. Detroitlion2912

    How we looking?Day 17

    Heard that. My main concern with that is the heat factor
  15. Detroitlion2912

    How we looking?Day 17

    That light gets warm boy, thinking of moving an ac unit in the room to help cool it down
  16. Detroitlion2912

    How we looking?Day 17

    Fox Farms Ocean Forrest
  17. Detroitlion2912

    How we looking?Day 17

    Running a Phlizon 3000w cree cob LED(600 actualnwatts I hate how they do that shit. Right now with how big the light is compared to my tent its a good 28-32 inches above homie.
  18. Detroitlion2912

    How we looking?Day 17

    Day 17 on my Chef Anna Autos and jist wondering what you guys think? Any feedback would be helpful, jist waiting for 2 more sets of leaves to start some LST. These are 75-90 day flowering seeds so hopefully their not to small as ive seen some day 17 autos twice this size on here.
  19. Detroitlion2912

    Chef Anna White Label week 2

    Casserole pack from Chef Anna at 14 days right now. First time groeing auto so some feedback would be appreciated. Have these ladies under a Phlizon 3000w cree cob led and thesengirls are no pun intended "growing like weeds". Anything I can do to maximize my yield and have these girls grow up...
  20. Detroitlion2912

    Optimal lighting distance seedling

    They look solid to me