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  1. N

    Aeroponic setup

    you have the basic idea yeah. Suggestions... Make sure your misters are at the top, or else the roots can clog them..and also, like said earlier, in between the plants. Because of the tendancy for misters to clog due to nutes, you should use an in-line filter somewhere before the...
  2. N


    wow....this got intense. I don't prefer white paint, although, it does work and it does provide a price/performance purpose. Mylar is one too hard to work with, to hard to clean, and difficult to actually get that pefectly smooth surface to get the best reflection possible...that and mylar also...
  3. N

    Aeroponics and SCROG

    Just something I was thinking. I was originally thinking an aeroponic tube set up with 6 plants in a single cola SOG...but now no. Now I think I would rather fill my 4 sq.ft. with 2 plants in a SCROG. However, not sure what grow medium/method to use. If I still build a 2 plant aeroponic system...
  4. N

    12on 12off whole life?

    It isn't that it is bad, it just has a different result. If you are a small indoor grower, and you don't have a lot of room, you can grow 12/12 from seed in a SOG set up with 6 plants per square foot. Even if you only get say 3 females per sq ft, once you pull the males, those females will still...
  5. N


    seriously, you should check out the thermal shield product I mentioned. It is a mylar infused product so, it is similar in reflection to that of mylar, without all the heat build up...anyway, I highly recommend it.
  6. N

    does any one do this?

    I agree. Like those guys in Chicago, that got caught with over 10,000 plants in this forest reserve.....just too BIG..duh, your gonna get caught. Small is key to staying undetected.
  7. N

    does any one do this?

    I know outdoor plants have the potential to get bigger, but how much stretch would you expect to see from a 10in. clone???
  8. N


    but that does nothing for protection against vapor or infrared or thermal scopes....but on a pinch and does get the job done.
  9. N


    I personally, don't like to use mylar at all. Even though mylar is 99% reflective, it not only reflects light to the plants, but also heat. Another thing about mylar is that any wrikles in the material will drastically reduce light reflection. They just started making a new product called...
  10. N

    does any one do this?

    I was just wondering... Much in the same way that people grow SOG indoors, flowering clones when they are just rooted only 8-12 in. tall, why couldn't you do the same outdoors? If you have a plant that flowers in say 60 days, and you know outdoors it is supposed to finish around October...
  11. N

    single cola plants?

    oh yeah...and a quick thanks to all those that are participating and replying/helping out in this thread
  12. N

    single cola plants?

    Well, I am glad to know that what I am thinking sounds logical to those that know the deal. Now a bit more detail. My flowering area is 22"x24" so just shy of 4 sq.ft. I have a max height of 2.5-3 ft. (perfectly fine for SOG). Using a vented 400w HPS, I have 100w per sq.ft which will really help...
  13. N

    single cola plants?

    well, i have a design in the works, but that is maybe someday, I am just trying to figure out how practical or possible what I am thinking about doing is.
  14. N

    single cola plants?

    well, the idea is a small aeroponic SOG set up. Well, I have read that when a plant is put into 12/12 it is still chemically in the vegative stage for the first 5-7 days and around 7-9 the plant starts producing more flowering horomones and completes the cycle. SOOO, the idea is to take a few...
  15. N

    single cola plants?

    :confused: How exactly do you train a plant to grow/produce well as a single cola plant. I know that there are strains that tend to grow this way naturally, so the easiest answer is to select such a strain, however I would still like to know how to "train" a plant to grow/produce in single cola...
  16. N

    training techniques?

    I am wanting to grow in a single cola style, but still wanting to get about one ounce per plant. Planning on using clone at 12-15 in high right into 12/12 for small SOG setup. How exactly do you ensure single cola growth?
  17. N

    Buying seeds online punishment.

    Well, like others have said, anything is possible. The general rule of thumb is you don't EVER EVER EVER send anything to the same address where you are going to have your grow. If you are too worried to order seeds, how are you ever going to maintain you sanity through a entire grow?
  18. N

    Aeroponics - Yield Per Foot

    that is kinda a generic question...that all depends on one factor YOU!!! it is this simple...the more consistent and stable the environment, the better your plant will be. Learn as much as you can and read as much as you can...then you figure out how much you think you can get those genetic...