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  1. SensiSponge

    Yield estimation Update on video instead of images. Not the best image but its what I have. Wanna know if this is a 1 lb. prospect. I feel like maybe 3-4 days until the switch.
  2. SensiSponge

    Yield estimation

    Nice bud bro . Do you use superthrive in flower? I read that is contributes to not finish. Saw some pics with pistols shooting out during the last weeks. I'm deciding to just settle for 1.5 range. The space is just too small and that's not a real scrog.
  3. SensiSponge

    Yield estimation

    Was close to switching this morning. The strain is Jack Frost btw. I'm deciding to leave the girls in veg for maybe another week or two. Will post update pics then to see what you fellas think.
  4. SensiSponge

    Yield estimation

    I'm aiming for 2 lbs. off 2 x 600 HPS. How much longer would I have to veg for the yield? The girls are tied down to these shelving unit sort of scrog technique. I have never done this before, its my first grow.
  5. SensiSponge

    Club 600

    Does anyone know if there is a better deal than $24.95 for a planet light 600w Hps bulb?
  6. SensiSponge

    Lights for highest yield??

    I'd say before you go into deciding what kind of light to use, first ask yourself what you expect at end result. Shooting for ounces or pounds? How much are you willing to invest? How much space do you have? My best suggestion for a complete new grower is start small, then upgrade as you gain...
  7. SensiSponge

    blue dream indoor grow journal

    T5 sounds good. It will probably take some time for roots to get over the shock.
  8. SensiSponge

    24/0 Vs 18/6 for veg

    In your case Waffleking, i would just put it on timer and conserve energy for the 6 hrs. Darkness can do some good for the ladies.
  9. SensiSponge

    Clones wilting!!!

    Show root shots as well.
  10. SensiSponge

    Clones wilting!!!

    Keep the leaves misted. You have any pics? How many days are they?
  11. SensiSponge

    blue dream indoor grow journal

    600 watts are too much lighting for the plants at the moment. Go gentle on them for the moment. I'm pulling up a chair for this. Hope it comes out well.
  12. SensiSponge

    King of Cannabis

    Loves these guys and their passion for strain hunting for genetics. bongsmilie
  13. SensiSponge

    5 weeks into flowering, nutrient problems

    I feel the pain. Flush out and finish out the rest of the weeks with low ppms. Hope for the best, good luck.
  14. SensiSponge

    24/0 Vs 18/6 for veg

    Great topic being brought up. I currently have freezing conditions around 30 degrees in the bay area. I might just have to leave lights on for the durations of the freeze. Not sure how much it would affect the girls. How does anyone else dealing with temperatures?
  15. SensiSponge

    The move to hydro!

    I started my first grow 3 months ago. I regret using the waterfarm top feed system. Reason is the simplicity. EBB and flow is where i have my eye on for upgrade. This would be so much easier for maintenance. Checking the PH and PPM would be piece of cake compared to Waterfarm. I technically...
  16. SensiSponge

    WaterFarm Club

    Girls look good. How many weeks of flowering?
  17. SensiSponge

    WaterFarm Club

    Very nice girls there Doc. Which lights did you use for em? How many weeks in veg before flowering?
  18. SensiSponge

    WaterFarm Club

    The new 8 pack come with circulation. I'm currently growing Jack Frost, It's my first indoor grow. Harvested some outdoor and it has fluffy colas and much thc. Wish i had a good camera to show and tell. I'm dealing with powdery mildew at the moment. Used PM and Powerwash by NPK. Works well :)...
  19. SensiSponge

    WaterFarm Club

    I'm running an 8 pack waterfarm in a tent. Humidity can go up to 70%. How do I keep humidity low? Dehumidifier? What methods are used for this system?
  20. SensiSponge

    Mold? Fungus? Not sure

    I just noticed there is quite a few in my garden. I use a 6 inch fan in a 5X5 tent. System is a Waterfarm so humidity stays high, from 45-68%. I probably should use a dehumidifier especially because it is in 2nd week of flowering.