24/0 Vs 18/6 for veg


Active Member
hey guys, waffleking here, i know its been talked about quite a bit before but im looking for some fresh opinions on the subject, so i just planted 2 new plants a few mins ago and i was thinking about doing 24/0 for the first time. ive heard allot of people say it works great, and just as many say the plant needs at least 6 hours rest a day. if anyone has anything to say about the subject id love to hear it :) thanks allot guys!


Well-Known Member
Years ago, I saw an experiment running 3 clones on 3 different veg cycles. 18/6 20/4 24/0.
In the end the 20/4 produced the overall best plant. 24/0 was the crappiest. I use either 18/6 or 20/4 depending on season and how my temps are effected.


Active Member
Years ago, I saw an experiment running 3 clones on 3 different veg cycles. 18/6 20/4 24/0.
In the end the 20/4 produced the overall best plant. 24/0 was the crappiest. I use either 18/6 or 20/4 depending on season and how my temps are effected.
thanks mate i appreciate it, ill try 20/4 unless someone else has some opinions :)


Well-Known Member
love the user name TheWaffleKing :mrgreen: I waffle...loads!! any hoos.. I've read fair few posts on this subject and all 1 of this and 2 of the other..Some peeps swear by 24/7 for Veg-apparently 30% more Growth?? But then others say Plant should be given a little down time...going as far as to say would you like to Work for 24/7? which kinda makes sense...spose every living thing needs a rest period..Me I've been 24/7 this yr but next crop Def going to have Timers setup for Veg Period so the Ladies get a bit of Shut-eye..


+ will save a bit of Leccy bongsmilie


Great topic being brought up. I currently have freezing conditions around 30 degrees in the bay area. I might just have to leave lights on for the durations of the freeze. Not sure how much it would affect the girls. How does anyone else dealing with temperatures?


Active Member
Great topic being brought up. I currently have freezing conditions around 30 degrees in the bay area. I might just have to leave lights on for the durations of the freeze. Not sure how much it would affect the girls. How does anyone else dealing with temperatures?
sorry lad, i cant help you at all there, im in a very hot area, usually around 80 outside, so cold is rarely every a problem for me, now heat on the other hand...


In your case Waffleking, i would just put it on timer and conserve energy for the 6 hrs. Darkness can do some good for the ladies.


Well-Known Member
Years ago Jorge Cervantes did a test of this very question. He found that 24/0 and 20/4 were both equally the best. He advises going 20/4 as it gives the bulb a rest every day. I veg at 20/4. BigSteve.


Active Member
Mine always grow better with a night cycle. I believe this is when they stretch. 18/6 is the most practical.
hey guys, waffleking here, i know its been talked about quite a bit before but im looking for some fresh opinions on the subject, so i just planted 2 new plants a few mins ago and i was thinking about doing 24/0 for the first time. ive heard allot of people say it works great, and just as many say the plant needs at least 6 hours rest a day. if anyone has anything to say about the subject id love to hear it :) thanks allot guys!


Active Member
Years ago, I saw an experiment running 3 clones on 3 different veg cycles. 18/6 20/4 24/0.
In the end the 20/4 produced the overall best plant. 24/0 was the crappiest. I use either 18/6 or 20/4 depending on season and how my temps are effected.
Only thing I would add is the particular plants tolerance of your environment.
I used to do 20/4, but with my setup, 18/6 is best, and theres very little stressing from heat or watering schedule mishaps in my system to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Had some girls on 24/0, switched to 18/6 and they took off with new growth.
Gonna try the 20/4 and see how they do.


Well-Known Member
This reply is for - "Great topic being brought up. I currently have freezing conditions around 30 degrees in the bay area. I might just have to leave lights on for the durations of the freeze. Not sure how much it would affect the girls. How does anyone else dealing with temperatures?"

Think I read somewhere that you don't want ya Ladies to get too COLD! can damage em..Temps have dropped over in the UK..I've just picked up a 800w Oil Filled "MINI" Radiator, going to put this in my main GR on Timer so if comes on during lights off period(They in Flower now) also thinking about leaving the main Fan on that Cools the bulb when its on.




Active Member
there is no definitive answer to this question.
i also did a lot of research before i started growing. some people would suggest no dark period at all, some would recommend to "allow the plants to rest" (rest?! WTF?!).
eventually, i was convinced to go with 24/0 at first, then switch to 20/4 a week or two before switching to 12/12.
works great for me, just as other methods work great for other people.

in short... whatever you decide... your plants will grow :)

sativa indica pits

Active Member
every plant we know to exist has had night cycle since the beginning of time, it would only make sense to give them darkness. If your starting regular seeds and are growing only 2 with 20/4 you have a really good chance they will both be male. Normally in nature when seeds sprout they have a longer dark period.


Well-Known Member
I did 24/0 for the first 2 weeks then switched to 18/6 for the remainder of veg and they are beasts today.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
18/6 is the best of both worlds, alot of light and a few hrs of night. I have done some tests on my outdoor plants... measure them at sunrise and measure them at sunset, I did this for a few weeks. The plants actually grew more at night. They would grow 1-2 inches during the day and 3-4 inches at night. And they would grow more on partly cloudy days also. Full sun days they would grow the most at night, I still have my notes from that experiment in 2005 somewhere around here....


Active Member
Go to wallmart buy a mini space heater with a thermostat. hook it up when the lights are on and when the tems reach where you want them adjust the thermostat to where it just kicks off. this will keep temps. above that. If it gets too hot during the day just have a timer shut it off during the hot period.
This reply is for - "Great topic being brought up. I currently have freezing conditions around 30 degrees in the bay area. I might just have to leave lights on for the durations of the freeze. Not sure how much it would affect the girls. How does anyone else dealing with temperatures?"

Think I read somewhere that you don't want ya Ladies to get too COLD! can damage em..Temps have dropped over in the UK..I've just picked up a 800w Oil Filled "MINI" Radiator, going to put this in my main GR on Timer so if comes on during lights off period(They in Flower now) also thinking about leaving the main Fan on that Cools the bulb when its on.




Active Member
every plant we know to exist has had night cycle since the beginning of time, it would only make sense to give them darkness. If your starting regular seeds and are growing only 2 with 20/4 you have a really good chance they will both be male. Normally in nature when seeds sprout they have a longer dark period.
now that just doesnt make any sense, why would the light n dark period affect the gender of the seed? isnt it set from the second its germinated, the gender for the plant should already be in the DNA of the seed, not produced afterwards.