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  1. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I just googled "how to grow cannabis". Ill just leave things as they mainly are to see how my first attempt goes. But I'll be getting lot more ££ soon so I can buy a bigger cabbent and better equipment in like 2/3 mouths. So ill just keep reading up on it and shizz untill then. This site seems...
  2. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Guys I'm not a big stoner I only smoke a bit when I go my big bros. I've grown a few easy every day plants witch was ok. And I got told to try growing some weed so that's what I'm doing. As I have said every one has to learn some where. I'm a nice guy when u get to know me :)
  3. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hey man I get paid next week so ill invest then. The temp now on my phone is saying 14degrees C and at day it's like 20+ My spacers this. It's about elbow to tips of my fibers wide and about 2 deep. I'm small only like 5ft3. But it goes from my floor to my roof. I can't get pics to night...
  4. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Cheers pal :). Like I said I'm not on a lot of cash so only had a limit to spend. Ill leave this grow how it is but change my lineing and get a CLF light as u say. Ill leave it to learn from it. Once I get my apprenitship ill invest in better equipment and try to get a bigger grow space...
  5. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I'm 20. If its about spelling and shizz then it's coz I'm dislexic
  6. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Cheers guys. Ill get a lower w bulbs and better lineing for my space. Ill try my grow out as it s but change them 2 eliments. Ill only keep this grow to learn of it. In the mean time ill keep reading up. Should start to make more cash once I start my apprentaship so I can buy bigger and...
  7. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    My bedroom gets freezing at night. So I'm going to have the heating mat on a timer for night time so it dose t get to cold. And for ventilation I'm Gona wait till the plant has grown a bit. Ill dill small holes in the back of my space put a small blocks of wood down the sides then but some chip...
  8. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ohhhh and I don't mean I cause problems or any thing but I've read up for about 2 weeks and it's my first grow. I'm only doing it to learn to grow this time but I've spent like £110 and as I'm on the JAS (soon to get an apprenitship) the £110 is like a mouths cash that I've been saving to buy my...
  9. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Well I have mirical grow compost. It had some big hard lumpy bits in so I've took most of these out. I have 3 skunk seeds placed in post about a half inch down. My cabbent is not that big but I only want smallish plants. I'm getting a heating pad in a few days to keep my place warm...
  10. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hey man I have been reading up for the past 2 weeks. Got most of the stuff I need. Got to wait to get a Metal halide bulb but I've got a High pressure sodium bulb at 600w. My ballast can take both bulbs. Waiting on my mate to come back to get a heat pad so I've been turning on a hair dryer for...
  11. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hey guys and gals can any one mail me and help me out on my first grow. It would be a big help :)
  12. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I'm doing my first grow :). Got my seeds stright in to some mirical grow compost. It had like load of bark and hard bits in so took most of it out. Been watering it for the past 3 days and still nothing as poped up. Found one of my seeds near the top so took it up and it had a small tap root so...