The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Guys I'm not a big stoner I only smoke a bit when I go my big bros. I've grown a few easy every day plants witch was ok. And I got told to try growing some weed so that's what I'm doing. As I have said every one has to learn some where. I'm a nice guy when u get to know me :)
sorry pal we grow and some smoke quite abit in this thread lol



New Member
I just googled "how to grow cannabis". Ill just leave things as they mainly are to see how my first attempt goes. But I'll be getting lot more ££ soon so I can buy a bigger cabbent and better equipment in like 2/3 mouths. So ill just keep reading up on it and shizz untill then. This site seems like a good place to learn so ill get info of here. Any who ill not bother u guys any longer about my setup and shizz and just chill and what not. But I'll keep u guys up to date with how things are going.


Well-Known Member
do miss me room bein nice and full and taking cere of the girls.....but on a nother note im excited to see how this new grow turns out.....think more on the ag......


Well-Known Member
fuk me...ive smoked my bud....yer it wernt to bad.......ive just smoked my hasf first time......I must wankerd.....fuk me.....:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
it is strong no doubt about that, but for organics and the strain i feel it should have had more flavour and smell still good bud tho.


Well-Known Member
yer mate think drying under them lights messed it up........but fuk me sambo........its good......dang im cuffed to fuk.........bongsmilie
it is strong no doubt about that, but for organics and the strain i feel it should have had more flavour and smell still good bud tho.


Well-Known Member
sittin ere ears ringing....eyes stingin.........cant fukin move right........with a grin on me face thinkin.....yer I grew fukin that.........:weed:


Well-Known Member
now how many of u guys who looed at this pic.........was actualy looking at the sixe of the buds....than her actual pussy lolol


Well-Known Member
Well that's bizzle dome for the nyt all trimmed loads of nice sugary trim .5g of scissor hash all boxed up.and now drying.....and I'm.just smoking a fatty of the blue dream now un cured And not dry and it is feckin peng don't need no arjan cuts lmaoooooooooooo. IMG_20130822_020840_859.jpg