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  1. T

    Save your seeds!!!!

    We need to save our seeds!!! All the people in the USA.... SAVE YOUR SEEDS...pick a date to spread them along the roads and forests!!!!!!! (4:20:2010) MJ could be wild again!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!
  2. T

    My CFL Grow with Pics, 1.5 weeks into flowering

    it's careful, dont spend too much CFL's baby yehhhhhh
  3. T

    First Harvest!

    i'm not really for all the effort of hash off of one plant. my deal is...the leaves are as long as the there's not really that much i can clip...!!! should i just snip the stalk then clip as close as i can get? what if...i licked the clippings? lolz
  4. T

    First Harvest!

    i'd say it's on about day 110, give or take it started turning a week ago, and the fan leaves all fell off, starting from the bottom
  5. T

    First Harvest!

    what do you mean pulled?
  6. T

    First Harvest!

    here's a pic before the leaves started dying off
  7. T

    First Harvest!

    it's this strain i like to call..."bagseed" lol :hump:
  8. T

    First Harvest!

    I didn't use any nutes so i'm not gonna worry about flushing. Yes, all CFLs! I had some fluorescent tubes during veg but all the power came from the CFLs. I'm not in a hurry to try it or anything. I might cure it too. So I think I'll just leave them on. Thanks for the info though.
  9. T

    First Harvest!

    I started out with 5 plants, and now I have one....this one. Any tips on harvesting? I plan on cutting it off and hanging it since the leaves are so small anyway. Might pick at them later, dont wanna knock any of that thc off :) kiss-ass