My CFL Grow with Pics, 1.5 weeks into flowering


Active Member
Greetings folks, just wanted to share with you a few pics of my "friends" setup. To be upfront, the plant was started from a bagseed (trainwreck from the beautiful Humboldt California). It was planted in standard miracle grow potting soil. The seed germinated on it's on with no assistance whatsoever. This was new to "my friend" and he had no clue what the fuck he was doing. It started out in a tupperware container with light watering, and voila! A sprout came forth. It was in vegetative state for roughly 2 months, outdoors with 100% natural light. After a fight with some severe overwatering, all hope had been abandoned.

However! The plant sprang back to life magically and grew like crazy. My buddy noticed how visible this plant was in the back yard, so he decided to move it indoors. At this point, he started reading this website and the pics are what we have today!

It's currently getting a 1/2 dose of 15-30-30 Bloom nutes purchased from a local hardware store. Currently using 2 x23 watt Bright white CFL's, a 43 watt Soft white CFL, and a 23 watt CFL. Tomorrow there will be more bright white bulbs with a 2700k spectrum added, to induce flowering. He plans to have a total of 6 bulbs with this particular plant. Also, a homemade CO2 Generator will be made using water, sugar, and bakers yeast. Either a small hole will be poked into the top and allow the CO2 to float out on it's own, or some surgical tubing with small holes will be ran around the plant.

He wanted to know some advice from fellow CFL Growers as to how it was looking, and if there was any advice that could be given. The plant looks a bit stretched, and he is trying to help this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I know my friend is looking forward to his second grow, which will be done the correct way with the vast knowledge he's gotten from this website. Cheers!



Active Member
No helpful advice? We had a nice photoshoot today just so the plant could make it's first appearance to the public. She wants to know what you think!


Well-Known Member
that plant looks nice, but i would put the lights around it , and not keep the one on top , ya know? like put the lights around the plant so it will bush out and not stretch all crazy


Active Member
Got some new goodies today, should be a fun day tomorrow! Ugh, can't disturb the plants sleep....but goodness the suspense to re-do everything is harsh!:joint:


Active Member
Went to town today, although my box is still made...of boxes, I think I've done quite a good job setting it up for what I have. Used Emergency blankets to line the insides, and am using 6x23 watt CFL's @ 2700k and 1 45 watt CFL @ 2700k. I've got another light and more bulbs, but this feels like enough for one plant lol. As you can see I ghetto rigged this handy little fan I found at wal-mart as a semi ventilation fan, as well as having an oscillating fan in the box.

The CO2 maker is under construction, making the right sized holes in the tops of the bottles as we speak. It's quite fun doing this shit with the wrong tools and still making it work.

New pics for ya's! Let me know what ya'll think :joint::joint:



Active Member
it's careful, dont spend too much

CFL's baby yehhhhhh

Haha, yes it is quite addicting. If I weren't moving in a month, I'd actually have built a cabinet. I've gotten lots of great ideas from this site, and definitely plan on doing a full grow journal when I move into my next place. I'll keep this post updated as a semi journal, but not too many people seem to have much input. So...we shall see!

Got the CO2 system working, my first round was a bit of a close call. I used WAYY too much yeast and had a lovely white slush foaming up my tube in 15 mins lol. I remade the mix with 1/4 of what I previously used, and it seems to be working great. I set the tube in a glass of water and it was definitely bubbling. It's now sitting in my grow box with the perforated surgical tubing draped along the length of my plant. I'm curious to see how well this works.

I came home today and the box was a bit warm, about 91. I could keep the AC on auto cool in my room and this should help. Turns out my ghetto exhaust really isn't doing shit. So I just am using the fan pointing upwards towards an opening at the top of the box. I figure since heat rises, this would be the logical way to blow "some" of the hot air out. I also reinforced the base to avoid the concave effect I was getting towards the bottom. This is the only thing about my box that I fucking's in a goddamn box. But I'll be in a new place in a month or so, where I'll definitely make something nice =)

I'll post some new pics in a few days to see if we notice any progress. My box is definitely bright as hell....gotta bust out the shades when I peek inside, otherwise it's spots for about 10 mins haha. :joint::joint:


Active Member
Well here's a quick update. Things have progressed a little bit, nothing really new an exciting. Lots of hairs popping up and I'm getting a good idea of exactly where this mama is gonna bud up from. It's a shame she got so fucked up by nature in the beginning, she'd have been a beautiful plant had her lower growths not gotten eaten alive. Two of the largest fan leaves have turned yellow, is this normal for when they are about to die? I've not been using a strong amount of nutes, and had just recently switched from de-chlorinated water, to distilled with 1 tsp of Molasses into and 1 drop of superthrive. I've noticed the plant getting fatter, and she's definitely grown about 2 inches in the last few days. My only concern was the yellowing leaves.

I'm loving the deep, dark green of the leaves. She's gotta the stickiest top leaves and smells oh so dank. The homemade CO2 seems to be working quite well, I'm just hoping my yellowing leaves isn't due to this. I've posted some pics, let me know if my lighting needs to be adjusted. I rotate her every few days, and raise my top light as needed for growth. Temp inside is a steady 82-87 farenheit

Any suggestions/comments are greatly appreciated!!



Well-Known Member
Looking good so far. 1.5 weeks is just starting flowering so there's lots of time left. I can't wait to see how these buds develop. I would try to get the temps down 87 degrees farhenheit is pretty hot my friend.


Active Member
Mom should be much happier, as should the cuttings (If they make it! 2 look good, other two I'm not sure)

Got myself a PH test kit and holy shit!! My fucking tap water had a ph of 8.0 after being ran for 10 mins...this is no wonder why my plant hasn't been doing what I want it to do. So naturally I got the shit to balance it out and am now feeding a tasty ph of 6.0 now. I picked up some new high quality nutes for flowering, but I'm holding off until after transplant to add them in. She should be sooooo much happier with the new soil. I can feel the difference in quality just by the texture. I'm glad I nutted up and bought some good shit.