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  1. MrGreenToke

    Help needed photos included

    Hi i have a carbon filter to the cool tube and out it creates enough pressure to suck in a lower vent for airflow, so maybe get the humidity up to 50? my plan of attack tomorrow was to flush and measure the ph on the run off because it looks to me from the chart i agree with the last comment it...
  2. MrGreenToke

    Help needed photos included

    Thats a bummer will you keep me posted an i will do the same
  3. MrGreenToke

    Help needed photos included

    Cool i will try that in the morning Thanks for the heads up
  4. MrGreenToke

    Help needed photos included

    Hi ya i have one of those photo charts and it looks like zinc, i never tested the run off, can i test it just like the water going in? should it be the same coming off?
  5. MrGreenToke

    Help needed photos included

    Hi i am having issues with my second attempt , quick rundown i had 10 seeds 9 sprouted, i was very careful about watering they only got watered 3 times as i seen needed in the first 3 weeks after potting them but on week 3 i gave a little feeding about half the recommended dose per liter then...
  6. MrGreenToke

    Mellow Yellow? Plants turning yellow photos included

    Thanks for the reply's:-D! I have lowered the ph of the water to 6.2 and added a iron booster after taking another look at the ph it was 7.3 so that may of been the issue, For a easy life i am using bottled water for now as i dont trust the tap water
  7. MrGreenToke

    Mellow Yellow? Plants turning yellow photos included

    Hi as i am a beginner everything is new i have noticed some yellow on some of the leaves the back ground is : Week 3 of veg In bat gwano soil as mentioned above Watered every 3 days Temps 26 or 78f Waters ph is 7.0 Light 20-4 400w MH I have nothing added but what is in the soil
  8. MrGreenToke

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi all, i just joined today :hump:im doing my first indoor grow and its as much fun as the product itself, Hope to chat with ye all soon!