Help needed photos included


New Member
Hi i am having issues with my second attempt , quick rundown i had 10 seeds 9 sprouted, i was very careful about watering they only got watered 3 times as i seen needed in the first 3 weeks after potting them but on week 3 i gave a little feeding about half the recommended dose per liter then problems started, slowing in groth and leaves dying and going crispy like in the photos. so for the past two weeks i have flushed twice with floraclean im just not sure what to do next the environment is as following

PH 6.5 tested before every watering and calibrated weekly.
Sealed grow tent
400 watt MH light in cool tube approx 18 inch's from top of plants
Water is from a bottle
Soil has no nutrients in it
Temp is 24-26 degrees
Humidity is 35-45 %

i am at week 6 now and my girls are really struggling

I want to thank any response in advance im really at a loss what to do next so all suggestions would be great thanks



Active Member
put a litre in ..let it drain....put in cup....test the runoff.....its either zinc or PH is WAy off.


Well-Known Member
i have the same deficiency goin not sure what it is but i flushed and started with a diff nute dyna grow bloom fertilizer we will see what happens


New Member
Also you said sealed grow tent as in no ventilation?
Hi i have a carbon filter to the cool tube and out it creates enough pressure to suck in a lower vent for airflow, so maybe get the humidity up to 50?

my plan of attack tomorrow was to flush and measure the ph on the run off because it looks to me from the chart i agree with the last comment it looks like zinc but i just checked the feed their and its in their so must be ph. if i flush tomorrow untill i am getting close to correct ph would i be better then giving 1/8 of the recommended feed with the last flush? or give them time to recover?