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  1. V

    To Flush or Not To Flush.......... personal opinions please.....

    hey guys, title says it all really ? To flush or not to flush . I flush for three weeks. Two weeks with plant magic flush , then one week with plain PHD water. I also like to cure for at least four weeks and the end product is top banana. But Couple friends of mine claim that it makes no...
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    Sensi Seeds Northern Lights Advanced Nutrients Grow Journal

    bongsmilie Sup everyone @ R.I.U , V.T here glad to be rollin with yall! Been reading the forums for over a year now, joined up a couple months ago, now I guess, it's time for a journal:joint: Firstly, I gotta say, big high five to all you growers out there, some truly inspirational, awe...
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    Odour problems !

    Thought as much bro, thanks for the reply. I've heard good things about Ona, might give it a try, Im gunna have to come up with something, as I don't want to waste all the work I've put into it!
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    Odour problems !

    Sup guys! Just finished trimming some freshly harvested buds and was wondering if I could put them straight into mason jars to let them dry. We have a new addition to the family and are expecting a lot of visitors over the next couple weeks and this shit stinks! I was thinking of packing them...
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    What nutes are best?

    Probably get flamed for this but here gos.... I use Advanced Nutrients and I find them great! Bit of a taboo subject on many a forum, but they do the trick for me :-)
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    Northern Lights, Sensi Seeds or Nirvana??

    I know this is an old post but here gos.... Im just starting my third grow, used sensi seed skunk number one both times, was very impressed.they can take a lot of abuse ( unintentional) and were big heavy hitters for me ! I decided to try sensi seeds northern lights and nirvana ice for this...
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    sensi seeds

    thanks for the reply Clankie. i dont disagree with the fact that other seed banks will have good strains , and yes, you probably get the odd 'dud' from sensi, but i dont understand why no one on this forum seems to bother with sensi, is it just because of the price? i dunno. im only new to this...
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    sensi seeds

    hey guys new to the forums ,sup yall :-) Been looking through the seed bank reviews seems like there are a ton of diffrent options. Most ppl seem to stick to a certain few ( and avoid a certain few lol) but it took me a lot of backtracking to find a sensi seed review. A good friend of mine told...
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    7am-7pm bloom and want to change time

    what he said! i got caught out with the warm weather last grow, was running 7am 7pm was getting into the 40s! , i read alot and most ppl say extended darkness. i gave the girls 24 hours dark ( at about 30 days flower) and didnt harm them 1 bit! :peace:
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    Supercropping and Canopy Control

    great post shwaggg! maybe gunna try it on one next run, this one almost done, and F.M.I.L.Y !! great pics looking awesome, wish i could just dive in there haha :clap:
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    greetings fellow tokers!

    glad i chose RIU fellas, seems pretty active, thank you fellas :-)
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    greetings fellow tokers!

    hey Snake , and thanks bro, good weed to you also ! :bigjoint: nice profile pic bud! wouldnt wanna bump into him when im faded!! :peace:
  13. V

    greetings fellow tokers!

    hi havek and racer boy! glad to be on board!!! good weed to you both ! :bigjoint:
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    advanced nutes

    hey guys, im currently on my second grow and have used AN for both. ive browsed alot of forums for a couple months now, and finally decided to join one (this one) as there is alot of great reading on here! but one thing i have noticed, is that on almost every website there is some kind of witch...
  15. V

    greetings fellow tokers!

    hey everybody! ive been reading the forums for a couple months now, getting alot of great tips and seeing some great pics up in here, finally decided to register and get stuck in!:weed: good to be here guys, hopfully share some pics, get plenty of info, and offer some opinions into this awesome...