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  1. M

    Mold on Buds?

    Thanks. That is what I thought it was. Great idea, I will try tomorrow. What about the buds? Should I be spraying the mold? Should I pull moldy buds now? The plant looks close to ready and I am in the 8th week of bud with no idea how long to go. Thanks
  2. M

    Mold on Buds?

    I am currently in my 13th week of an indoor/outdoor bag grow. Started outdoor and moved to bud indoor under HPS lights 8 weeks ago. I currently have one plant that has a significant amount of white on the bud area. I am curious if this is mold or not. As I look at it and zoom in it looks like it...
  3. M

    When to start blooming - help please

    thanks G13, not sure where I heard it really. I have read so many different sites my head is spinning. Yeah i understand that every plant can be different and given this is a bag grow no idea what we are working with. I am going to keep them there as long as they need and will stop the buding...
  4. M

    When to start blooming - help please

    It does help thanks a bunch. good looking plant there. I will look for the 60/40 amber that could be a good tip. my hairs are super white, right now. possible that they are white widow? and if they are does anyone know if white widow gets amber hairs? It is a possiblity because we do smoke the...
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    First Time - A Family Grow

    Thanks Dr Green, that is great advice the next time around. I totally agree that they were in small pots for way too long and that restricted root growth and likely got waterlogged too. Right now they are in 1Gal pots and they seem to be doing fine. They are in Budd stage now and I am trying...
  6. M

    When to start blooming - help please

    Yeah, it was a long Veg Cycle but this was due to some slow growth periods and some bad watering on our part. This is not an issue is it? I figure it the plant is still growing and it healthy, who cares how long it took to get here. I am trying to Budd now and they are looking amazing. I...
  7. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    Yes, started budding a week ago. I was trying to get them to at least 12" and healthy before I started budding. They were under CFLs from the beginning and we had a few periods of bad watering and light which stunted their growth for sometime. I purchased HPS lights and put them under those...
  8. M

    When to start blooming - help please

    So hey all. I started the bud process as planned and we are just starting our second week. They look really good to me. Yeah might be a little spinny but the bud is looking good and they smell awesome! Hoping to find out how long they need to be in this stage and what I am looking for to...
  9. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    Well, I have pretty much given up on the Grow Journal as you can tell, but I wanted to post some new pics of our babies in our 16th week now and we started budding. We have 5 plants left all about 18 inches high! I would like to know if anyone can tell me how long I should be in bud stage and...
  10. M

    When to start blooming - help please

    Thanks to everyone for the great advice. Couple of comments. Yeah light has been an issue in the past which is why it has taken them so long to get to where they are, yes it has been a while. We also had a couple of periods of time where we were not quite right on the water/nute mixture as well...
  11. M

    When to start blooming - help please

    I am looking for some advice help on what I should do next and when should I start bloom stage. I have 3 - 12" Plants that are doing well again after a few starts and stops along the way. I have been growing these since Aug 11th indoors, so i am into the 13th week or so. I have heard that for...
  12. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    Well we are still out here and still going. Been a couple of weeks since our last post, busy busy, puff puff pass. :weed: Anyway, we just entered our 6th week and some plants continue to do very well. Others seem to be struggling. As a quick update mentioned briefly before, we have transferred...
  13. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    Bonze309, thanks for the advice. We are trying to keep them as close to the light as we can, we have been pretty consistent at about 4" from the bulb itself. I worry about getting too close because we have seen some burning of the leaves already, which is likely due to the spray that we used to...
  14. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    thanks buddy, sounds interesting. I did take your advice and have replanted all of them into larger cups. Nothing too big at this point because I have heard that this can be dangerous but I figured can't be any more dangerous then letting them go too long without good support. I moved half the...
  15. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    So, couple days since the last post and run down of all the girls. Have noticed a couple of things and continue to make minor changes to keep things going well. First we saw a lot of the white residue on the leaves again, even after dropping them back down away from the light on Monday. So we...
  16. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    Buddy, thanks. we have been trying to figure out how to do that in the existing cups as you say also not sure if it should be done a little at a time or not. they have continued to look good and the leaves are getting bigger now and the upward growth has slowed down. I am worried they will...
  17. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    So, I have been reviewing the current state for all of the plants. I just finished up the Dixie Cups and this one is about the Jiffy Cups since the dry out time on the 11th day. For the most part the Jiffy cups were in better shape during the dry time that occurred last week. Remember in our...
  18. M

    First Time - A Family Grow

    So, we had some trouble posting over the weekend but here's the latest. As we mentioned we had some babies that were struggling after maybe drying them out a bit to much and also allowing them to jump up way to fast in in the first week. We think our lights should have been much lower and we...
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    First Time - A Family Grow

    buresu, yeah we have heard this and definitely a mistake early on, they really did stretch out. I put the tray up on a box recently and we have seen some really good improvement since doing that. I am about to post an update on where we are and some other issues with lighting, would love some input.
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    First Time - A Family Grow

    When we started the ph was around 7.0 or so maybe even higher. I was only using a pool ph kit so lots of room for error here. However, we corrected this as of Saturday (Day 13 from seed). We are now 6.5 ph.