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    GreenX How to's... How to Clone in Soil (w/pics)

    Is it possible to clone them using this technique and no clone solution??
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    All Looking Good? **PICS**

    Lookin dope! i miss this stage! the stage where grow is extremely noticable in short time periods!!!
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    Can i move an indoor plant into outdoors??? CHANGING GROWTH METHODS????

    sorry for the 'bump'.... but i really need to know what to do soon!
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    Can i move an indoor plant into outdoors??? CHANGING GROWTH METHODS????

    Hey i have a 1 month great white shark plant (White widow x northern lights)... im growing indoors under 2 CFLS and a fan.... Its been a month, and its getting too hard to hide from my room mates in my cupboard.. i was wondering if i can put my plant outdoors to grow there from now on??? I live...
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    Follow my growing mourning on INSTAGRAM!

    follow my journey on instagram. frequent updated uploads. username: dreadedpyratz
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    AHHHH WTF is happening to my plant!!! (PIC INCLUDED!) PLEASE HELP ME!

    sorry brother... i dont think my post is the place to post that... haahahhaha
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    AHHHH WTF is happening to my plant!!! (PIC INCLUDED!) PLEASE HELP ME!

    wow... i am such a rookie! you have helped quite a lot! ill work on that! :)
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    AHHHH WTF is happening to my plant!!! (PIC INCLUDED!) PLEASE HELP ME!

    a deficiency in what??? with the brown disappear or will it stay or fade?
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    AHHHH WTF is happening to my plant!!! (PIC INCLUDED!) PLEASE HELP ME!

    yeah i am! ummm... i just bought "vegetable & Herb soil" for it... i just have 2 desk lamps for it. with a cfl 40watt in each lamp. not using any nutes atm. because i dont know what to buy :/ still looking into it! :/
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    AHHHH WTF is happening to my plant!!! (PIC INCLUDED!) PLEASE HELP ME!

    Can someone please please help me! I think my poor plant is dying!! It is turning brown and dead looking...... Okay, this is whats up: - it was all fine a few days ago. I noticed the edges of my leaves becoming brown, so i did my research and found out that its heat stress, so i moved my lamps...
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    Constant light/dark schedule changing :/ PLEASE HELP!

    Sup all! im just wondering is it bad to constantly have a changing schedule for my plant? E.g. Sometimes I have a light on my plant (all day) then ill have it turned off at night... then ill have the light the next day and keep it on for 24 hours. Then ill have it on the window sill for a bit...
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    PLEASE HELP ASAP! My only seedling has grown too long and is getting destroyed!(PICS)

    ummm not sure yet... ill have to research ways... hopefully flower it indoors though... may have to get better equipment for the future if i do that though...
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    PLEASE HELP ASAP! My only seedling has grown too long and is getting destroyed!(PICS)

    Awesome!!! thanks heaps everyone!!!! really good advice! ill go do straight away!! :D :D :D <3
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    PLEASE HELP ASAP! My only seedling has grown too long and is getting destroyed!(PICS)

    i have enough room to put a lot more soil into the pot. Am i able to just add more soil up to the leaves? also, can it be any type of soil? say... from another plant pot? or should i buy all new soil all together? (p.s. why did it grow like this in the first place?)
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    PLEASE HELP ASAP! My only seedling has grown too long and is getting destroyed!(PICS)

    So pretty much add more lights and soil?... Also, is my light too close? it is really bloody close, but it doesnt create heat that much... let alone warmth
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    PLEASE HELP ASAP! My only seedling has grown too long and is getting destroyed!(PICS)

    Please help me. I need help asap. My only seedling (1 week old) has grown really really tall (8" tall) and only has tiny tiny leaves on it. I couldnt help it sooner because im new to growing and thought that was normal. I realised this tonight because any slight touch to it, it falls over and...