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    Are my plants going to die?

    Wow thanks for all the information. Ok .. The plant was started on may 27th. It was put in the petepellet. It took about a week to sprout. I am using 4 23 wat CFLS. Im growing in a pc case for stealth reasons. The area is at a tempture around 80 deg's. The plants are about 2-3...
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    Are my plants going to die?

    20/4 ? Ill start that right away. I was told that auto flowers should be 24 hours a day to get the most from the. Since they received so much light, is that why there so short? They get taller in the dark right?
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    Are my plants going to die?

    This is the first grow, and what seems to be my first problem and prob mistake. My plant has turned brown in some parts, If i were to touch it, it would break off like its super dry, It first started out as i think, light green/yellow spots. Then turned in to this. Im using general...
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    Just straight kush?

    anyone at all want to take a guess?
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    Just straight kush?

    Just got back from a pickup from a new contact from a good friend who is friends with the contact. So i know what i got is great, Im just wondering what it is. I asked him and he just said kush. Picked up half an Oz for $280, wich is normal around here (NY) Here are some pictures, maybe...
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    First Grow

    Would spraying M77 on part of the light and sticking it to the top work? I think it would but maybe someone has a different idea. I don't want to ruin the CLF or my case. Just need to find a way to keep these cfl's up and stay up.
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    First Grow

    Here is some pictures of the grow box, Its about 99% done. Only problem im having is how the lights stay up. I tried Duck tape and then packaging tape. Both tapes after about an our melt a little and the lights fall down. If you have any suggestions on a good way to attach the lights, that would...
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    First Grow

    Not saying your wrong, im just going by the research i read. Here for example. "Indoors, Lowryder completely eliminates the need to induce flowering by reduction of day-light hours; indeed, it eliminates the need for a timer, period. Yes, it will grow consistently well and finish under 24...
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    First Grow

    I will be growing in a p.c. case. It will be hard but im up for the challenge. I have a mate whose an experienced grower helping me. I have cut all the insides out, so its like an empty box. I put 3 fans in side. One blowing air on to the open area. And 2 blowing air out. There is room for...
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    Hello everyone

    Its going to be hard, there is also going to be alot of trial and error. But id be happy with a few grams every couple weeks once i get a cycle going. I have a pretty good mentor / teacher. Very smart guy. Hopefully once i get my own place. I can set something up that is bigger. But until...
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    Hello everyone

    Well i do have a closet but i share it with other people in the house. So that would be no good. I need to keep this as secret as possible.
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    Hello everyone

    hows everyone doing, long time pot smoker new to growing. Im in the planning stages right now. Picking up parts here and there. Im planning on growing in a computer case. Thats my only option really since i dont have any space to grow in. Just enough bud for me to be happy.