First Grow


Active Member
I will be growing in a p.c. case. It will be hard but im up for the challenge. I have a mate whose an experienced grower helping me.

I have cut all the insides out, so its like an empty box. I put 3 fans in side. One blowing air on to the open area. And 2 blowing air out.

There is room for 4 party cups, where my plants will grow.

I have 4 CFL 23 watt bulbs taped to the top.

I will be growing Lowlife Automatic Blueberry. Its supposed to grow short, around 12 inches, and automatically flowers, So i can put this in the corner of my room, and leave its lights on 24 /7

Seeds should be here in a few days.
Pics of case will come in a bit.

I heard automatic flowering seeds, are very picky on what you give them. What would you recommend? Just regular purified water from a spray bottle? I will be adding perlight to the soil mix, But thats all i think unless someone can put there input.

Before anyone says, i should make a bigger grow area, I needed this to be stealth. I know i might only get 30-40g every 2.5 months. But thats enough for me. I do not need an oz. But well see how this project turns out. Be nice to get at least 15g per plant x 4 plants


Well-Known Member
ok that is a pretty good plan...

but really...

is there really self flowering strains? because you have to switch your lighting to 12/12 to flower when you wish to flower. but i think your going to get little tiny nugs. i think you should use your idea and plans and invest them in a bigger grow box. that might be a pretty stealthy little clone box but to grow you need more space

good luck


Active Member
ok that is a pretty good plan...

but really...

is there really self flowering strains? because you have to switch your lighting to 12/12 to flower when you wish to flower. but i think your going to get little tiny nugs. i think you should use your idea and plans and invest them in a bigger grow box. that might be a pretty stealthy little clone box but to grow you need more space

good luck
Not saying your wrong, im just going by the research i read. Here for example.

"Indoors, Lowryder completely eliminates the need to induce flowering by reduction of day-light hours; indeed, it eliminates the need for a timer, period. Yes, it will grow consistently well and finish under 24 hours of
light, from sprouting to harvest, in eight weeks. You can achieve similar results with 18 or 12 hours of light per day, if you like to give your room time to cool down, for example - 18 hours straight through until harves is
recommended. The point is, with Lowryder, there is no need for a change in the light period to induce flowering, nor is it necessary to have separate vegetative and flowering rooms."


I would love to have a bigger grow area but i really cant at the moment. Possibly in a few months. Im in the process in looking for an apartment. If i can get anything to smoke even if it be 10 grams. I would be happy. I cant find anyone to buy from around here. So i am going to provided my own stash.


Well-Known Member
Not saying your wrong, im just going by the research i read. Here for example.

"Indoors, Lowryder completely eliminates the need to induce flowering by reduction of day-light hours; indeed, it eliminates the need for a timer, period. Yes, it will grow consistently well and finish under 24 hours of
light, from sprouting to harvest, in eight weeks. You can achieve similar results with 18 or 12 hours of light per day, if you like to give your room time to cool down, for example - 18 hours straight through until harves is
recommended. The point is, with Lowryder, there is no need for a change in the light period to induce flowering, nor is it necessary to have separate vegetative and flowering rooms."


I would love to have a bigger grow area but i really cant at the moment. Possibly in a few months. Im in the process in looking for an apartment. If i can get anything to smoke even if it be 10 grams. I would be happy. I cant find anyone to buy from around here. So i am going to provided my own stash.

wow dude thats pretty cool. i'm really interested and if you could can you take pictures and let us all know how it turns out?


Active Member
wow dude thats pretty cool. i'm really interested and if you could can you take pictures and let us all know how it turns out?
Here is some pictures of the grow box, Its about 99% done. Only problem im having is how the lights stay up. I tried Duck tape and then packaging tape. Both tapes after about an our melt a little and the lights fall down. If you have any suggestions on a good way to attach the lights, that would be great.



Active Member
Would spraying M77 on part of the light and sticking it to the top work? I think it would but maybe someone has a different idea. I don't want to ruin the CLF or my case.
Just need to find a way to keep these cfl's up and stay up.