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  1. K

    first ever grow, QLD australia

    That does seem like a long time for buds to not start forming yet but... What season is it where you are? Summer or Fall? ***I've only grown indoors up to this point so please forgive me if I puke in my mouth*** If the plant doesn't start flowering until you flip the lights to 12/12 indoors...
  2. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    WHAT UP RIU??? Just finishing up harvesting my 1st grow!!! Overall I am pleased. Looking back to the first posts I made and even remembering what I did to get to the point of registering on this site - Ha! Crazy... Just under 10oz total from 4 plants. 277 grams. A touch under 6...
  3. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    This pic is a little better :)
  4. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    DAY #49 UPDATE!!! Started flushing 7 days ago. Leaves are just now starting to show signs of deficiencies. But that's the plan. I added some of the soil mix left over to the tops. Both Chernobyls were leaning. And roots were peaking through the top in a couple. Colas are starting to gain...
  5. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    Day #36 Update!!! Things are still going well. I was gone for a couple days ago and a couple girls got droopy. Other than that I've just been waiting patiently. Defoliating ~once a week - mainly taking out leaves that are covering budsites or just overcrowding things in general. Clones...
  6. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    What up?!? So far so good. I've been watering ~2 gallons ~every other day alternating between straight H2O and nutes. Foxfarm trio w/CalMag and anywhere from 10-30 drops of Superthrive. Defoliating once or twice a week depending on how thick the canopy is. Chernobyl budsite Garden...
  7. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    What up?!? It's update time again. Everything seems to be going well. Flowers are starting to show!!!!!! AND the DIY cloner that I made a couple weeks ago has a 100% success rate!!! General garden shot. Ladys are ~18-24" Chernobyl budsite Shot of my closet w/the cloner & clones...
  8. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    What up people?!? Just flipped the lights(yesterday) and it's time for an update. One shot from ground level and one aerial-ish shot. Ladies are ~18" tall. Now we sit and wait and make sure nothing gets eff'd up...
  9. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    UPDATE TIME!!! My ladies seem to be doing well to date. I'm kind of in a holding pattern vegging until 1+ of my clones root so I don't have to deal with getting more... I've moved up to adding ~ 2 gallons of water per watering from 1 gallon. Watering every 2-3 days. Temps are ranging from...
  10. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    What up?! Update time... Things are going fairly well considering this is my first grow. I've starting adding FF Big Bloom & Grow Big - ~1 tsp/gallon every time I fill my gallon jug up. Hoping to flip the lights in about a week or so, maybe longer as I'd like to grab a couple clones off of...
  11. K

    Can you ID this bug???

    What's up RIU? Just found this little guy crawling around one of my plants. He was all by himself but I'm sure he's got at least a couple of buddies around. Any idea what type of bug this is? Thanks in advance. KE
  12. K

    1000w Multi-Strain Madness

    Sub'd for sure! Can't wait for the Kushberry report!!
  13. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    What Up??!? Happy Friday!!! A little update... I mainlined my 2 Kushberry clones yesterday. It's crazy to how quickly the leaves went from being sideways to perking right up. Ooo Mother Nature... I left most of the foliage be for the time being so I could make sure they'd take to the...
  14. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    Random question/thought I'd thought I'd throw out there... Is there such a thing as too low RH%??? My tent has been dropping down into the 20s lately. I've been monitoring the soil and it's still moist so I don't think it's a huge deal. And I've read that low humidity is ideal towards the...
  15. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    What up People!?!? Going on day 9 of having these clones in my possession. Just got them transplanted into airpots with a soil/mushroom compost/perlite/worm casting mix. Things seem to be going OKish. All but one of the clones seem to be growing. Here are some pictures for your viewing...
  16. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    Good news!!! The Kushberry clone that was in rough shape is turning around!!! There's some obvious damage to 2 of the fan leaves but overall I think it'll be salvageable. This pic is at a bad angle but you can tell it's not droopy like it was Monday morning when I found it. Not a whole lot...
  17. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    SWEET!!! Thanks again for the reply!!! I'm new here but I've been in my fair share of forums - it's nice to have responses and it doesn't go unappreciated!!! Currently there are 2 fans blowing at the plants. 1 fan blowing fresh air in. 1 fan pulling air out. So 4 total. Obv it's tough to...
  18. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    Thanks Bum!!! I hope you didn't think I was trying to argue PH with you - It's science!!! It looks like a few things were unclear to me - most importantly a plants ability to 'buffer' the PH. Makes perfect sense now. Thanks again! I've made the transition to CFLs for the time being. I...
  19. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    Fixture or bulbs or both? Actually gonna stop at Restore first then go from there. Thanks!
  20. K

    1st Day of 1st Grade!!!

    Here's my PH logic: There's acceptable PH ranges for certain things. As long as I'm in that range ill be able to sleep at night. This morning the PH was on the high side out of the faucet 7.0+ so I dropped it down to 5.0-5.5. So I guess I did it on purpose today. Heading to Home Depot...